I opened my door revealing TJ standing there with chocolate and flowers. He was all dressed up nice and then I realized what tonight was.

"I'm so sorry!" I apologized.
"For?" He asked.
"We were suppose to go on a date but I fell asleep and missed it!" I answered starting to cry.
"Aww." TJ replied.

He set the flowers and chocolate on my bed and hugged me. I buried my face into his chest still crying. He let go.

"it's okay Muffin." TJ said.
"It is?" I asked.
"Of course!" He exclaimed. "Kinda shocked me though."

TJ started to laugh. I shook my head and hugged him again. I really don't want this moment to end... I don't want us to end.

"Have you heard from Buffy or Andi?" TJ asked.
"No... Buffy said the two were going on a trip. Didn't think I'd be this long though." I answered.
"Hm... Maybe they wanted to get away from us." TJ joked.

I looked up at TJ in a confusion. His smile faded. I don't know why it did, he didn't do anything wrong.

"Was it what I said?" He asked.
"No." I answered.

Andi and Buffy said that they'd only be gone for a few days. Maybe they got stuck back at that camping place they were staying at.

I grabbed my phone and texted Buffy quickly. Of course making sure they're ok because if they're not, I'm going over there.

Hey you guys alright?
Yeah why?
You guys have been gone awhile.
I said we'd be gone for a few months.
Haha see you soon.

I shook my head and looked back up at TJ. His smile returned as mine faintly appeared. I hadn't known what to say... Everything blanked.

"Is everything ok?" TJ asked.
"Yeah." I answered.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah I'm sure..."

TJ got skeptical. There was a knock on my door that someone forgot to close. I turned my attention towards that. For a split second I saw that killer from my nightmare.

"Stay back!" I screamed.
"Cyrus! Calm down!" TJ said.
"Huh?" I asked looking at him.
"It's just your mom." He answered.

I looked in the direction of the door. My mom stood there worried and confused. I don't blame her... I was confused myself on what was happening.

"Ms. Goodman can I have a minute with Cyrus?" TJ asked politely. She nodded and walked off.
"TJ I'm fine." I said.
"Are you sure? You told your mom to stay back." He told me.
"It wasn't her that I saw." I spoke.
"Huh?" TJ asked.
"I had a nightmare." I answered.

TJ smiled as he put his hand on my shoulder. The warmth of his hand made me feel nothing around me.

"It was just a nightmare. It won't happen." He told me.
"Right." I replied.

My mom came back and told us that it was time to eat. I sighed and held TJ's hand. I was scared that I'd lose him. Just like I did in the nightmare... I left him. Well more like a murderer killed me.

I shook my head once more as we sat down. Dinner was silent. All that happened was a few conversations like how our days were. I'm surprised TJ didn't speak. He's normally not like this.

"This is awkward." I said breaking the silence.
"Just a bit." TJ joined along.

I looked at the window for some reason. It was almost like an instinct. Maybe I saw something move or maybe it's just my imagination... I saw a face slowly start to emerge. I waited until it showed any more details.

My eyes widened as I saw the killers face again. I panicked and shut my eyes. I quickly opened it and nothing was there. Just TJ and my mom staring at me like I was crazy.

"Is it ok if I spend the night?" TJ asked.
"I think that's a good idea." Mom answered.
TJ's P.O.V
Cyrus has been acting weird ever since I got here. He says he has a nightmare. I believe him of course, but that nightmare must've scared him badly...

After we had dinner, Cyrus and I went back into his room. I closed the door behind me as Cyrus was already in bed.

"You're not gonna sleep in that are you?" He asked.
"No, but I need to get approved of what I'm about to do." I answered.
"I approve!" Cyrus exclaimed.

I took off my buttoned shirt and my pants. I was left in my boxers as Cyrus blushed hard. I did slightly.

"I didn't expect that." Cyrus said.
"I didn't have anything else sorry." I replied.

I turned off the light and walked over to him. I sat on the bed next to him. His head immediately went onto my chest. It's like he can actually sleep again now that I'm here.

"I will protect you no matter what happens." I said breaking the silence.
"I know you will. You always have." He replied.

I stared at his wall seeing all the pictures of us. In every single one of them, we're smiling yes, but not all of them I was happy in. I faked smiles....

Just as long as Cyrus doesn't figure out what I did, we'll be fine.... Even if he does see them on my arms... It hurts, burns.... It's like what quotes say, "I draw with silver, but it turns red. Magic."

Woah! Weren't expecting that were you?! I guess you can say it's totally UNEXPECTED!! Haha okay I'm done. Bye!!

Unexpected. (A CJ FanFiction) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now