Teddy Grahams & Coffee

Start from the beginning

You match his laugh, covering your mouth with your hand. "Tom." Your eyes widen with his name, Tom's heart skipping a beat and his cheeks tinting a rosy pink.

"Y/n." Tom mocks.

"Study." Your voice is showing mock-sarcasm as you shake your head.

"Alright, alright." Tom puts his hands up, a pretty smile not moving.

Tom looks down to his book and finds the page he was originally looking for, opening his notebook right after. Your eyes look over to see the words that are barely legible and roll your eyes, a grin coming to your lips. Tom can feel you staring so his eyes meet yours and he sends you a quick wink followed by the scrunch of his nose. Heat rises to your cheeks as you shake your head and go back to your own studying.

He's so cute.

You met Tom a few months ago at a party. The intentions of the night were not to end up spending most of the night splitting a bag of Teddy Grahams and talking to a random boy with chestnut hair and chocolate eyes but that's exactly what happened.

Your friend had gone off with someone and Tom's friends were all busy either with girls or one of the few drinking games that happened to be going on. It's how you two ended up being the two people alone in a kitchen surrounding by pairs and trios.

It was a little awkward, you standing with a red cup in hand, barely taking drinks and Tom on the other side, every now and then you'd make eyes contact. How could you not? He's gorgeous. But, it was a little awkward randomly making eye contact with a stranger from across the kitchen. Luckily though, Tom had gotten up the courage to finally approach you and introduce himself.

He was sweet and kind with his airy words but his cheeks were that blushed tint and his eyes sparked under the dim lights of the kitchen. He ran his hand through his hair and spoke with his hands, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.


He was nervous and he was never nervous around anyone but there's you with pretty eyes and a gorgeous smile. But that didn't stop him talking and eventually, you two got tired of being bumped into and interrupted so Tom offered to go outside with you. He said he had snacks in his car which, for some reason, happened to be a selling point for you.

Maybe you were just hungry and bored of the party, or definitely, you just wanted to keep talking to the boy with pretty eyes and a nice jawline.

The fall was turning into winter so the air was crisp when you had exited the crowded and heated house, walking to Tom's car. You shivered and without even thinking, he offered you a coat he had in the back of his car. You'd taken it shyly and it smelled of fresh cologne but had a boyish scent you couldn't pinpoint as anything in particular, turns out, it's just Tom.

He'd grabbed a bag of Teddy Grahams from his car and the two of you sat on the hood of his car with the music from the house echoing in the background, just talking for hours. The two of you ended up so enthralled in getting to know each other, you went through two bags of Teddy Grahams, the cold became irrelevant, and the party started to die down. It was then Tom offered you a ride back to your dorm.

When you got back to your dorm, you swapped numbers and you asked if he wanted to get coffee the following day, continue to get to know each other. And that was the start of the routine of sharing the snacks with a coffee.

Now, an hour's passed and Tom looks up to you. His eyes soften as he sees you concentrating on working between your book and your laptop, your only focus on your studies. Every part of him just turns soft and he can't really peel his eyes off of you as you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.

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