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"Are you Theia?" A tall dark haired man that who was clothed  in a band shirt and a jacket over it, with jeans and cool sunglasses asked once Theia opened her door to obnoxious knocking at seven in the morning.

"Whose asking?"
"Me." The man replied dryly which earned a look from Theia making the older man roll his eyes.
"Tony Stark. I work with your sister Tessa-"
"Have you heard from her? I can't seem to get a hold of her!" The young half Greek goddess interrupted the billionaire who just sighed once again.

"You apparently are just like her." Tony pinched the bridge of his nose annoyed.

"And no I haven spoken to your sister. Not since she and Thor ran away together. I was actually hoping you have talked to her cause I need her help."

"Does it have anything to do with the Accords?" The small girl asked curiously.
"How do you know that can you read minds too?"
"The news... and no I sadly cannot. That's just my sister. Anyways why do you need her help?"

"The avengers are in a fight and I need her help to settle it. She was always on her own side so she wouldn't pick a side. I was hoping that she could help us find a common ground."

"Sorry Mr. Stark only me here."

"What is it exactly do you do?" Tony inquired making Theia smile.
"Ah so my dear big sister didn't tell you."
"What? That she's some celestial stone being yeah I know that."
"No, that she can warp space, create portals, delete the universe, and more."
"She just told us she can control things with her mind and she shoots blue stuff from her hands." Tony throws his head back.

Theia snorts at her sisters antics.
"Not surprised and yeah she can but that's only skimming the surface." Theia smiled at the man.

"I mean I can help, I'm a celestial stone being too!"
"Yeah sure okay, have you ever heard of Spider-Man?" Tony smirks.

Theia shakes her head no. "Just what I've heard on the news, some vigilante of a sort."

"Well I'm recruiting him and now I'm recruiting you-"

"I want my identity hidden at all times and I have no desire to know Spider-Man's identity either. This is going to end up on the news and I just want to be hidden. I'm not like Tessa. Stuff just rolls off her back and I'm actually trying to live a normal life with my adoptive parents."

"Are you done? Anymore? No okay cool, it's a done deal. You are just another vigilante I recruited. You got a code name or something?" Tony scratched his beard while Theia scrunched up her nose in thought of a code name or secret identity.

"Scarlet Witch-"
"No we already have one, be more creative kid. Plus kinda hurry I have a meeting to go to in like a half hour-"

"I got it!"

𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒅𝒂𝒚𝒔  ||AVENGERS||PETER PARKER||Where stories live. Discover now