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"YOU LOST THE STONE AGAIN?!" Gaia the Greek titan yelled at her daughter Theodora. Looking down the young girl with color changing hair played with a piece of her hair nervously.

"I'm sorry mummy I didn't mean too, it's just that boy Peter Parker said he'd give me some of his sandwich and since I had forgotten mine at home today I did it cause I was really hungry." The six year old told her mother.

Sighing Gaia wiped her face frustratingly. "Go get the stone back now."
"But isn't that stealing?"
"NOW THEODORA FLETCHER!" Nodding her head the six year old scurried outside the apartment as fast as she could. Racing down the hall she made her way to her best friends apartment. Peter Parker. Knocking on the door Theodora waited nervously. Quickly coming up with a lie she had her story.

As the door opened she saw Peter with a goofy toothless smile.
"Theia! What are you doing here? Star Wars night isn't until Thursday." Peter questioned knowing Theia said she was busy today and couldn't play Star Wars that day.

"I finished my chores." Theodora or more commonly known as Theia when she wasn't in trouble lied.
"Oh cool!!"
"But." She cut her best friend off.
"I can only stay for a half hour as my dad is coming home from a business trip."  Theia said knowing her father was away and on business and was actually coming home that night.

"That's fine! Hey so my Uncle Ben got me a new Tony Stark science kit today!! Wanna go try it out?" The smart six year old said to the other smart six year old. Knifing Theia grinned knowing while Peter was distracted she could get her stone back.

"Uh duh!! I've been asking for one for months now!"


"And I said if you triple the formula you-"
"Theia babe I don't care." Theia Fletchers boyfriend Gabe Anderson said as he added a kiss to shut her up.
Gabe knew Theia was one of the brightest kids in their school besides Peter Parker.

"Sorry." She mumbled turning red and falling into his chest. Wrapping his arms around her Theia felt happy.
"So what does the birthday girl want to do for her sixteenth birthday hmm?" Gabe smirked making Theia blush while trying to controlling her and maintain the dark brown that waved across her back.

"Eat cake, get fat and lean about Quantum Physics." Theia said truthfully.

"Cmon really babe, we've dating for a year and... ya know."
"Oh I do know and I told you Gabe no. I don't want to do that."

"Josh and Melanie are and he keeps asking-"
"So just because Josh gets it means you have too? And so since Mel and Josh are having a baby at SIXTEEN might I add, means we have to do the same exact thing cause Josh wants to know how good I am in bed. Fuck no and fuck you Gabe. If you want to go screw someone there's plenty of other girls who are ready to spread their legs open but not me."

"Fuck off Anderson! I mean it!"

Once Theia was home she slammed her bedroom door causing her mother and father to look a each other knowingly.
"Gabe." They said in unison.
"I swear I'll send fucking Hades in that stupid mortal... all I gotta do-"
"Easy Urn lets jump to conclusions."
"Honey he's a mortal sixteen year old boy."
"Let me go talk to her." Gaia kisses her husband's cheek and walked to Theia's room where she found it was locked.

Unlocking it with a snap she walked over to her daughters bed where she was crying. Red dust flew all around her and Gaia new what was happening.

Theodora Fletcher was changing her reality for the first time ever.

"Well shit. Uranus get your anus over here now! We've got a problem!"


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