Shinsou Hitoshi

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[Shinsou Hitoshi x Blind! Male Reader]

(H/c)=Hair Color
(E/c)=Eye Color
(S/c)=Skin Color
(M/n)=Male name
(F/c)=Favorite color
(2/f/c)=2nd Favorite color
(H/s)=Hair Style

Your Quirk:
Your quirk is called Rose Thorns. Basically you can create a wall of razor sharp rose barrier, use the thorns as a type of armor/weapon. Unfortunately, due to your quirk you had gone blind. When you were 4 and just developing it, something went horribly wrong.

Third Pov:
(M/n) groaned, feeling around his dresser for his alarm clock that was blaring too loud for his sensitive ears. Finally finding it, he turned it off and slipped out of bed. "Marcus?" He questioned, gaining the attention of his already awake brother who slept in the same room as him.

 (^^ That's Marcus) "Yeah?" He responded, rummaging around his side of his closet pulling out his school uniform

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(^^ That's Marcus)
"Yeah?" He responded, rummaging around his side of his closet pulling out his school uniform. "Could you grab my uniform I'm gonna go ahead to the bathroom." The noise of shuffling feet could be heard, and taking the as an answer (M/n) went out into the hallway towards the bathroom.
Quickly doing his morning routine, he walked back into his and his brothers shared room in only boxers and a loose fitting tanktop. "It's on the bed far right." Marcus said, already in his uniform and packing his school bag. The (h/c) smiled sweetly, nodding his head as he walked towards his bed feeling for his uniform. "Thanks Big Brother."

You see Marcus is older than (M/n) by two years, making him a third year at U.A. (M/n) really looks up to him and admires that he so strongly wants to protect people. When they were younger the (h/c) would always tell their adoptive father that he wanted to be just like his older brother when he grew up.
*Timeskip cause author has Homework*
Making his way to lunch, (M/n) ran into someone causing a quick stream of apologies to fall from his mouth. E heard a soft "it's fine." But he (M/n) continued to apologize in a now half bowing position. From what he could tell the person in front of him was male, slightly taller than him, smelt like a mixture of coffee and lavender. It was a nice scent that (M/n) now enjoyed. The stranger placed a hand on (M/n)'s shoulder and slowly put him in a full standing position. "It's fine, ok? No harm done." The voice was deep and husky, causing the smaller of the two to shiver. He wasn't intimidated, more like intrigued. The (h/c) mumbled out another soft apology looking in the direction he believes the strangers face is. "I-im (L/n) (M/n)." He cursed himself for stuttering. "Shinsou Hitoshi." Shinsou replied have a small smile on his face. 'This guys actually adorable. Wait! No bad Shinsou! You just met him!' the purple hair male thought, having conflicting thoughts. But something caught his attention, he hadn't noticed before because the (h/c) wasn't looking at anything but the floor. But now? Shinsou realized that the small, adorable, and angelic looking male was blind. He tensed up slightly. "It's nice to meet you (L/n)-san." He said, his voice wavering ever so slightly. "Oh please, just call me (M/n)." The smaller said, a smile gracing his features.
That made Hitoshi smile, but soon that smile left as soon as the bell rang for them to go back to class. "Hey, we should hang out sometime soon. You seem like a really cool guy!" Did (M/n) quickly walking off to class soon after.

Shinsou nodded, before quickly realizing what was happening. A bright blush erupted on his face putting Kirishima's hair to shame.
'I think... I think I might like this guy already...'

Wow, the author finally updating? The world Must be ending! Anywho let me know if I should make a part two or if you have any other requests. I'll update for the next couple of days before I start procrastinating again.
Have a swell day/night/evening/morning

 Have a swell day/night/evening/morning

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