Chapter 8: Spying

Start from the beginning

She told me no so I moved onto to plan B: have some guys from Trey's group spy on Angel for me. Terra was getting agitated from me not spending time with her. So I told I was gonna spend time with her, meaning I couldn't be with Angel during the day. At first, Trey was against having dudes spying on his sister but when I told him about that night Derek attacked her, he was on board. I made the dudes tell me Angel's every move. If she went to the bathroom, I knew about it. If she ate some pizza, I knew about it. If she got her nails done, I knew about it. This has been going on for two weeks now. "Blaze?" Angel called. I looked at her. "Yes?" I answered. "You okay?" She asked. "Yeah, why?" I asked. "You seem really quiet today." She said. "Sorry. I just got a lot on my mind." I said. "Like what?" She asked. "Uhhh, you probably wouldn't be interested." I said. "Oh come on. We're friends aren't we?" She said.

I wanna tell her about my life but I don't wanna tell her that I'm marrying someone else. Lie. "Well....I know this.....guy whose getting married and he's under a lot of stress about it. His fiancé is pissed because he's not really engaged into the wedding. He loves the girl but he's starting to have second thoughts. The girl wants his yo be more involved with the wedding and decorations and how everything should be but he's just not into it anymore." I said. She was quiet. I looked at her. She stared off into space. "Sounds to me that the guy doesn't wanna get married. If he's having second thoughts, he shouldn't be doing this. He's got two options: either spend more time with his fiancé and see if he's really in love with the girl or call the whole thing off. He shouldn't getting married with a girl he has no love for. Your gonna feel trapped." She said. "Well he loves her. He's just not in love with her anymore." I said. "Why not?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "I mean that the guy saw something in her that made him want to be with her. Surely there's something about He he still loves. Otherwise, he wouldn't have proposed to her." She said. She's got a point. I know. I still love Terra but I'm not in love with her anymore. Angel's right. Me being in a loveless marriage isn't good. I don't wanna feel trapped. "But he doesn't know how to call the wedding off without hurting her feelings. Or making her family mad." I said. "It's better to face the music than be unhappy for so long. Cause either way, your gonna leave her. Being in a loveless marriage will make you unhappy. Your gonna get a divorce sooner or later. So why not just go ahead and call it off." She said. "You right." I said. "So what's the guys name?" She asked. "Huh?" I asked.

"What's the guy's name? Maybe I can talk to him and help him out." She said. "No!!! No no." I yelled. She jumped. "Sorry. It's just....he wants the wedding kept from unknown people. Look, I'll talk to him about this and help him out. You just help me out with this." I said. I pulled up to Pizza Hut and ordered us some pizza and wings. As I drove to my house, I looked at Angel. "Angel, why don't you move in with your Dad?" I asked. "What?" She asked. "Like, your dealing with Derek's crazy ass. Your have so much studies. Like why don't you move in with your Dad?" I asked. "I don't know. I chose to live on campus to escape my Mama. I don't wanna go into detail on her so I'm waiting to graduate and then move in with my Dad." She said. "I'm curious as to why you and your siblings love separately." I said. I pulled up in the driveway and got out. "Blaze I'm not comfortable telling you that." She said. She looked up at the house. "Daaaaaamn. This house is huge." She said.

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