"Erik, get me my gun."

Erik doesn't argue, he just moves towards the closet and gets the gun. He walks out with a Golden Eagle pistol, Cobie checks for bullet and pulls off the safety, immediately matching out the room.

Colson and Erik quickly follow after him.

"Where are you going?!"

"I'm going to kill that son of a bitch!" Cobie screamed, not looking back.

"He's going to kill him." Colson says, he's still shaking but he doesn't even know why. Was it because he was scared or something else?  He has been waiting for Cobie or for someone to find out and do something about Michel and now the time has come and it felt wrong.

They must have had their telepathy discussion because now Erik looked just as mad as his mate. Colson follows after them as they barbed into Michel's room.

When Colson sees Michel, he cowers back. He couldn't enter the room. And to make matters worse, Cobie had caught his movement. He just shoots at he Beta, aiming right for his side, his thigh and his shoulder.

"You fucking bastard!" Cobie scream, giving Michel a roundabout kick to his neck, making the Beta fall to his knees.

Erik doesn't straight up attack. He goes to stand beside Cobie and stared right at his Beta, listening to each tick of his Beta's heart.

"Did you touch Colson?"

The Beta had the audacity to look insulted. Colson has been joined at the door by some members of the pack while Gabriel just runs right into the room.

"Did you fucking touch my brother?!" Cobie screamed, finger pressed to the trigger, ready to pull at any given second.


Erik tilts his head to the side while Cobie straight up hit the Beta with the butt of the gun. Colson briefly wondered why and how his brother had that much straight to bring a wolf to his knees and hit in the head.

"So he miraculously hit himself, gave himself bruises?"

Gabriel speaks up. "You don't know that! Colson doesn't act like a-"

"Bitch I dare you to complete that sentence!" Colson glared at Gabriel, his eyes burning full red, covering his sclera.

"Do you think I'd lie?" Colson speaks up, burning with anger. His fists folded to his sides. "You're a fucking wolf! Listen to my heart beat!"

Gabriel glared at Colson and walked closer, making Colson snort. Oh, so he didn't want to speak up against his Luna but he could fire shots at Colson like he was nothing.

"Did he ever tell you about the nighttime adventures we had while I was still here." Colson asked, his smile saccharine. He doesn't look over at Michel because he knows he would be crippled by fear.

If he couldn't fight against Michel, he could defend himself from someone blinded by love.

"There were times he even said he would mark me, make me his. Not you. That's where this all started." Colson admits, rolling his eyes at the hurt look on Gabriel's face.

Cobie meanwhile pressed the gun to Michels head.

"He's not lying." Erik speaks up. He doesn't turn around as he says. "Everyone besides Colson, leave." The rest of the pack members gathered by the door do leave but Gabriel stands his ground. He was dressed in a grey velvet thin strapped gown, face bare of make up.


"He can't defend himself when there's a gun pressed to his head! How can we take the word of a stranger? Someone who is not pack?"

Dark Moon (ManxMan) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن