in the light of day

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Tony was sitting in the Gallagher Garden, staring at Debbie, Liam, Carl, and Ian, who were enjoying the pool to cool off a bit under the overwhelming heat.

He was grateful that Ian was surrounded by his brothers and sisters and that he could watch him calmly without anyone suspecting that he was the center of his interest.

"Debbie! Ian! Put some sunscreen on, otherwise, you're going to burn! "Fiona growled next to him.

"Is it because of the sunburns that Ian always wears a t-shirt in the pool?" Tony questioned with a dubious look.

Fiona shook her head before sighing slowly.

"If you don't want to tell me_" Started Tony before being cut by Fiona.

"It's not... It's just ... It's hard to talk about it." She explained before a little silent.

"Ian has scars, they date back to about the time Frank has_ They are from a long time ago ... And he doesn't like us to see them, " She finally explained softly.

Tony felt his stomach turn around and the ball began to rise up his throat.

Before seeing these fucking tapes, he wouldn't necessarily have paid attention to this detail and would simply have this mania on account of modesty or shyness Ian to show scars.

He turned his attention to the young man busy applying a good layer of sunscreen on his neck.

The edge of his t-shirt shifted a little, enough to reveal a black spot on his chest.

There was no chance that this task was a scar, it was far too black for that.

An idea was born in his brain as if suddenly someone had turned on the light.

He grabbed his phone and opened the picture he took at the library. That of drawing.

A tattoo. It was perfectly possible that the black spot he had seen on Ian was the top of this drawing.

He watched the drawing more carefully before his hidden meaning finally leaped out at him.

"How did I not understand it earlier?" Tony growled inside.

This drawing was only a repetition of M and I, forming a snowflake in an infinite loop, as a declaration of love to each other that everyone probably carrying on to him sheltered looks like Ian with this tattoo.

Certainly, this deduction only confirmed a relationship he already knew existed, but it still gave a glimpse of something deeper than he could have imagined. The more he learned about the two young men and the more their relationship seemed intense as if they had always been there for each other, despite all that could have happened between their two families ...

This thought pushed reluctantly, Tony to replay in his head the scenes immortalized on the tapes he had seen the day before. These scenes he would have preferred never to see.

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