-6 Freaking annoying badass...

39 6 0

Walking sluggishly to the bathroom, I had my bath, brushed my teeth, arranged my room. When I was done, I wore a yellow skirt and a sleeveless top. I packed my brown hair in a ponytail as usual.
Made sure my phone was in my bag then left the room.

"Good morning Mum,Good morning Dad"I said while sitting on my sit.

"Good morning,how was your night?"mum said.

"It was smooth"I replied recalling what happened before I slept.

I turned my attention to Jack who didn't notice my presence on the table rather engrossed on his iPod obviously playing candy crush.Sometimes I wonder why he is so obsessed with the game.

"Jack"I called him in order for him to at least  take notice of my presence as well as existence rather he just kept on playing with his  iPod.

"Hey"I said snatching the iPod from his hands and he took it back by force.

"Amanda leave jack alone you're getting late for school"mum said after watching the scene in front of her.

Glad that he won, Jack stuck out his tongue to me and I glared at him before grabbing my bag and left towards Dad's car.

I entered Dad's car and quickly took my phone from my bag checking through if I had any message.

I saw a message from unknown and I quickly clicked on it eager to read the message he left.


Unknown:Good morning.


Me:Good morning.  I replied and quickly kept the phone in my bag  when I noticed we have reached my school.

I came down from the car and entered through the front door heading to my locker. I noticed eyes were still on me. "Seriously!" I said to myself as I reached my locker.

"Hey"Lucie said when she reached my locker.

"Hi"I said after taking my books out of my locker and closing it with frustration.

"So I said we need to talk"Lucie said looking straight at me.

"Ok! I'm all yours till 9:45am"I said looking at my wrist in order not to be late for class.

"So I heard the commotion between you and Leinad and he is surely coming for you" She said excited.

"Yeah! I know; that's why I'm staying away from him and if I may ask why are you excited?"I inquired.

"Don't you know what it is for Leinad to chase after you!"
"It's like everything a high school girl wishes for" she said still smiling.

"Minus me!" I said quickly then I noticed Leinad and his click rather his gang passing through the hallway, and walking directly towards me.

"Oh no!"I said to myself.

"Lucie I'm going" I said drawing her attention to me because she was staring at Leinad.

Then I noticed he was looking at me with a smirk on his lips.

Luckily for me the bell rang so I quickly rushed to the classroom room before I'll get a detention which I don't like.

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