Chapter 15 - The Trial

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Hermione's POV

The court dates were coming up they all had separate dates so I would be going to court on 5 different occasions.

Today it was Luna's trial. She was going up for GBH and attempted murder.

I didn't want everyone to come with me so Lucius was the only one who came. He's really stepped is as a father figure in the past few months. 

Luna was brought out to the stand. She was under viritisitm. (Don't think I spelled it right)

"Miss Lovegood, will you tell the court where you were on the evening in question." The judge said.

"In the library at Hogwarts." She scoffed with a card free attitude. It was so unlike Luna.

"What were you doing in the library?" The judge asked.

"Studying." She said sarcastically.

"The truth Miss Lovegood!"

"Gee. Fine. We were putting someone in their place." She said.

"We?" The judge questioned.

"Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, and I." She said.

"I've heard enough. Luna Lovegood you are here by sentenced to serve 25 years to life in Azkaban."

People started clapping whereas Luna's father Xenophilious Lovegood shouted for his daughter.

"Court dismissed. We will come together tomorrow for the trial of Neville Longbottom."

People started to leave. I stood up and Lucius followed. We were stood outside the courthouse when Luna's father walked up to us.

He was screaming at how I ruined Luna's life. Lucius stepped in and they had an argument that almost turned into a duel but aurors quickly whisked him away.

When we got back to the manor Draco, Narcissa, Pansy, Blaise, and Theo were all sat in the living room.

I told them what happened in court and they were happy that she was where she belonged.

Time skip - Neville had his trial he was sentenced to the same as Luna. Ginny had her trial the next day. She was sentenced to life in Azkaban and had her wand snapped in front of her.

Today was Ron's trial. Lucius was on a business trip for Malfoy Industries. He tried to postpone the trip but he couldn't. So instead of Lucius, Draco, Blaise, Pansy and Theo came.

Ron was called to the stand. He was asked all the questions that the other three were asked. The who, what, when, where, why's. 

Under the viritiserum he couldn't lie so he was sentenced to life and had his wand snapped.

Four down one to go.

The trials were draining me. I went straight to my room when we got to the manor.

It's two days before Christmas Eve. I had everyone's presents wrapped up under my bed. On Christmas Eve we were going to put up the decorations and the tree. But I had to get through tomorrow first.


Harry's trial rolled around quickly.

"Mr Potter I believe that the person you attacked was your sister, your own flesh and blood. Is that correct?" The judge asked.

"Yes but..."

"And is it correct that the reasoning behind the attack was because you didn't like the fact that your mother cheated on your father...."


"Even though you are a war hero, the boy who lived, our salvation, I hear by sentence you to life in Azkaban, your wand will be snapped and your memory will be wiped so you have no recollection of the wizarding community. Court dismissed."

It was over I was free.

Snape's DaughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora