Chapter 14 - Going Home

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Hermione's POV

Draco, Blaise and I all fell asleep on Blaise's bed that night. I looked over at the clock and it said 9:10.

I quickly shook Blaise and Draco awake.

"Mione it's too early. Go back to sleep." Blaise said throwing a pillow at me.

"No get up or we'll miss the train." I said leaving the room.

As I closed the door I heard one of the boys fall out of bed. I laughed and walked over to the heads dorms.

I quickly flicked my wand and all the things I'd need for over Christmas Break. I left all my school books and my robes and packed only a few pairs of clothes as I have tons at Malfoy Manor.

I shrank my trunk and carried it downstairs to see Draco sat on the couch already waiting.

"Ready to go?" He asked. I nodded.

"We're meeting Blaise in the Great hall for breakfast before we leave." I said as we walked hand in hand through the corridors.

We ate breakfast quickly and then found ourselves a compartment on the train.

The train ride was long and boring. I fell asleep on Draco half way through the journey.

I was woken up as we pulled into Kings Cross. Draco shook me awake as Blaise pulled my trunk down from the over head carrier.

The three of us walked off the train and over to Narcissa. Lucius wasn't there.

"It's been too long how have you all been?" She said hugging us all.

"We've been good mum." Draco said for us all.

"We'll go back to the manor and then we'll talk some more." She said pulling us together for apperation.

I hated apperation but it got us to the manor quicker.

Lucius was at the manor to greet us. We hugged and greeted each other. We walked into the living room and sat down to catch up.

Narcissa and Lucius were shocked to hear about Blaise and his argument with his mother but they told Blaise he could stay at the manor.

We caught up more over dinner. Narcissa had cooked a really nice meal.

Blaise and Draco had retired to their rooms after a long day. Narcissa shortly after them. I headed to the library. Lucius was sat down reading one of the many books that we had. I went over to one of the shelves and picked up a book that I'd never read before.

I sat in the recliner across from Lucius. I sat there for around 5 minutes before Lucius spoke up.

"How are you doing Hermione?" Lucius asked giving in to the silence.

"I'm fine Lucius." I lied.

"Don't lie Hermione, you've been distant ever since you got home." He said. His voice was full of concern.

"It's just I don't know what to do with myself. Ever since the attack last month, I flinch when people come near me or when they say my name." I said.

"Mione it's perfectly normal for you to be feeling this way. You shouldn't have to though. I saw to it that aurors took care of all of them. They have a court date coming up. It'll determine whether or not they get locked away in Azkaban or not." He said. His book long forgotten.

"It feels wrong but I want to go to the hearing to watch them get what they deserve." I said looking into the fire place.

"If that's what you want then we support you." He said.

"Thank you." I said.

"There's no need for thanks we're family it's what we do."

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