Chapter 8 - Telling Them

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"Yessss!" I said.

I got put on the team.

After a few congratulations Draco and I headed back over to our Common Room.

"So Mione when are you gonna tell Harry and Ron?" Draco asked.

"Tell Harry and Ron what?" I asked.

"You know what Mione!" Draco said.

"Fine I'll tell them today." I said in defeat.

"Ok we've got Potions first." Draco told me.

"Let's go."

Draco and I walked hand in hand to Professor Slughorn's classroom.

"Right ok class we will be making a family tree potion today so I'm gonna put you into your pairs." He said.

Uh oh.

The pairs are;
Draco and Hermione
Harry and Ron
Neville and Pansy
Blaise and Astoria
Dean and Seamus.

"Right you have One Hour to complete the potion and then half an hour to test it. Instructions on page 14."

The class set to work.

Draco and I obviously got it done before the hour was up.

"Draco, everyone's gonna see." I whispered.

"It was gonna come out eventually." He whispered back.

"Ah, Miss Granger, Mr Malfoy done already?" Slughorn Asked.

"Yes sir!" I said.

"Well the next step is you have to put 7 drops of the potion onto a piece of parchment and a drop of your blood on top."

Reluctantly, I followed his instructions but as I was dropping the blood Slughorn shouted "Everyone Come over and look at Miss Grangers work."

Everyone came over to see the words Hermione Granger transfigure uni the word Hermione Snape.

There were a few audible gasps and a lot of stares.

Above my name it said, Lily Potter nee Evans and Severus Snape.

"Hermione what is this?" Harry asked.

Next to my name the words Harry Potter formed.

"Is this some kind of joke?" Ron asked. "Are the Slytherin's pulling a prank or something?"

"Harry, Ron can we talk alone?" I asked.

"Yeah sure." The Three Of us walked into the corridor.

"I'm Hermione we're alone. Now explain." Harry said.

"Sheesh don't have to be so demanding. A few weeks ago when I got the four letters, one of them was my Hogwarts letter. One was from my mother telling me that she is my biological mother and that you are my half brother. There was another from my dad He wrote it before he died. And the last one was off my godparents." I explained.

"Who are your godparents?" Ron asked.

"Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy." I said.

"Wow no guess that your father chose them as your godparents." Harry muttered.

"What was that Harry?!" I asked getting angry.

"I said No guess that your father chose them as your godparents." He said louder.

"What's wrong with Narcissa and Lucius?" I said getting really angry.

"They are just as much snakes then your father was!" Harry said.

"FOT SAY A WORD AGAINST MY FATHER!" I shouted at him as I laid my hand hard across his face.

He hit me back.

What the actual hell.

"Your supposed be my brother. In that letter I got from OUR mother she 'hoped we got along''' I told him.

"I don't care get out of my sight."

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