Chapter 10 - The Half Blood Prince's Book

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The next day I got up and got dressed in my uniform. It was about half past 5.

I walked into the Common Room where Draco was sat there, already dressed and reading a book.

"Morning Draco." I Said. I noticed that his fists were bruised but I didn't bring it up.

"Morning 'Mione." He said.

"What do we have first?" I said.

"We have Transfiguration, then a free period." He told me.

"Good I need to do something," I Said.

"What do you need to do?"

"I need to find the Half-Blood Prince's book," I Said.

"I thought it was destroyed?" He said.

"No it's protected by magic so it can't be destroyed or damaged." I Said.

"I'll help you find it." He said.

We left the Common Room and went to the great hall for breakfast.

I ate quickly and headed to Transfiguration. It was a long boring lesson on how to change our pets into a chair. It was really easy and boring.

The class was dismissed so Draco and I headed to the room of requirement.

"Accio Half Blood Prince's book." I Said.


"Ok it looks like we are going to have to find it by hand." I Said.

Draco pulled up his sleeves. "Let's get started then."

We both split up and looked in different piles of junk.
2 hours later

"Mione, I think I found it!" Draco shouted from the other side of the room.

I walked over as calmly as I could but on the inside i was scared and excited.

When i got over to where Draco was stood, i looked at the old potions book in his hands.

He handed it to me and i opened it.

there was nothing but spells and potion recipes in here.

"Revelio." I muttered.

The book turned into a mahogany box.

I opened it up and saw that there were lots of photos inside. I smiled. Just like my dad had said, there were pictures of my mum and him with me and Harry. I took the box back to the common room.

I put the pictures up around my dorm and put some in frames on my desk. 

I headed into the common room and saw Draco finishing up on one of his essays. He put his quill down and stood up. He hadn't even noticed I was there. 

I walked up behind him and hugged him. 

"Breakfast should be starting soon." I told him. 

"Let's eat." He said holding my hand and leading my out of the common room. I was being careful not to hold onto his  bruises to hard.  

We walked down the corridors towards the Great Hall. I tried to start up conversation. 

"So, are Harry and Ron's faces as messed up as your fist?" I asked him.

"Trust me they are so much worse. And my fists are nothing in comparison to Theo's or Blaise's." He told me. 

I pulled my wand out and muttered a small spell and the bruises and cuts faded away.

I gave a weak smile. I love how protective the three of them get over me. I mean I've only properly known Theo and Blaise for about a week and the are already this defensive. I couldn't possibly imagine when we've been friends for years. 

Walking into the Great Hall was slightly strange this morning. Everyone from Gryfindoor were glaring at Draco and I as we walked in, even some of the Ravenclaws were glaring. I looked over at Ginny, she sent me a glare, while she was treating a cut on her brothers messed up face. Luna sat on the other side of the Gryfindoor table (even though she is a Ravenclaw) holding a cloth towards Harry's bloodied nose. When she caught my eye she gave me a glare that \i had never seen in anyone before it was kinda scary as it was coming from Luna but non the less I gave a small smirk. Draco and I ignored them and walked to the Slytherin table where we sat with Pansy, Blaise, Astoria and Theo. Draco was right their fists were worse. I muttered the same spell from before and fixed their wounds.

We ate breakfast before heading out for Divination. I've always hated that lesson. Trelawny drabbled on for the whole of the hour and a half about absolute nonesence. I had a free period next so i went to the library.

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