Chapter 1

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"And that is all for tonight's show, join us next time on BBC"

The show ended. Now I have nothing to do. It's only 10pm, but I should probably go to sleep. Oh! Before I get ahead of myself, my name is Madeline Smith, Maddy for short. I'm 16 years old and I attend Bradlington High in Stoneybridge,Northumbria. It was silent for a few minutes and I heard a rustle. I listened closely...there it goes again!

I got out of my comfy chair, slipped on my black vans and headed out. I quietly headed towards the sound and listened to where it's coming from. Oh before I forget, I'm a wolfblood. No, not a werewolf, a wolf-blood. When I transform, I become a full-fledged wolf. I have the senses and appetite as a wolf, but I know not to attack people because I'm tame, unlike the wild wolf-bloods. They live in the wild with no rules, despise humans, and are crazy!

Anyways, I headed towards the sound and found a wolf. The doors to the den were open...oh no.

"Mam! Get inside, now!" I walked up to her and put myself into a position where I would jump at her if she tried to come at me. "Grr" she growled at me. I growled back. I moved towards her and each step I took, she took a step back.

She eventually fell back in without me having to use my shoe again. I closed the doors and put a rod through the handles so they couldn't get out again. I headed back towards the house, turned the lights off, and went to sleep.



Ugh. I slammed my alarm off and trudged out of bed. I hate school why do they make us go! I went to the bathroom and took a quick warm shower, brushed out my hair and my teeth. Quickly put on my uniform and shoes then headed out.

I went downstairs to see if there's breakfast...and nothing. Oh well, I'll just stick with an apple. I went downstairs towards the den to unlock the door and let my parents out. Oh yeah I forgot to mention, my mam and dad are wolf-bloods as well.

"How'd ya guys sleep?" My mam and dad followed me towards the kitchen. "Fine. That chicken was tasty, right honey?" My dad nodded. "Well, I have to go or else I'll be late for school." I gave both my parents hugs and headed out. I walk to school and I live pretty far. People may think I'm crazy but I like it, the fresh air and good exercise.

On my walk, I heard something in the woods. I ignored it thinking its a badger or squirrel or a fox. But then I heard it again, and it seemed pretty close. I sniffed the air and smelled something familiar. I couldn't put my finger on it but it smells like something I know. I was about to check it out until I heard the school bell. Yeah, awesome hearing right? I broke off into a run and quickly as I could. The scent leaving my head.


I barged into my classroom panting real hard. I may be a wolf but running still takes a lot of my breath.

"Sorry *breathe* I'm *breathe* late *breathe*," I panted every word out. That was probably the fastest I've ran in so long. "Glad to join us Ms. Smith, now go take a seat." Mr. Jeffries said. "Yes sir," I sat in my seat by myself. The tables fit two people but nobody wanted to sit next to me. Yeah I'm not that popular in my grade, no friends and for sure no love life.

"Ok class, le-" Mr. Jeffries was cut off by the door opening and a teacher was standing there with a new student. You can tell he's new cause I've never seen him. The school is pretty small so you know everybody.

"Sorry to disturb you Mr. Jeffries but we have a new student today and he'll be joining your class." This kid was cute not gonna lie. He seems well built but hard to tell with the layer of clothing he has on. I like his hair and his eyes. He's...mysterious, I want to know more about him. Oh who am I kidding? Why would a guy like him talk to me? I just laid my head down ignoring everything. But still listening.

"Ok class. This is Rhydian and he's from..." It was silent until a deep voice spoke, "foster care." I shot my head up, he's in foster care? Poor kid. "Ok, well there's no empty seat except for there so Maddy, raise your hand." Oh no...he's sitting next to me. Let the embarrassing begin. I rose my hand for Rhydian to know where to sit.

"Why sit with her? She smells so bad that she could be mistaken for a sewer." Everybody laughed. I just put my head down. I've been dealing with this since kindergarten, I don't even know what I did to them. "Class, that's enough. Now open your textbooks to page 235 and read it. After that you can answer the questions that are at the end of the chapter." There were a lot of complaints going around the room except from me and Rhydian. I didn't even notice he sat down.

"Hi, I'm Rhydian." He's talking to me...he's actually talking to me! Oh no, he's going to be made fun of. I don't want to be responsible for it. I didn't want to ignore him because it'll be plain rude so i ripped a piece of paper out and wrote a note saying:

Sorry but you can't talk to me.

I passed the note and he read it. Then he wrote something. I wasn't expecting a reply. He pushed it towards me and I was expecting to read a hate reply or something like that but not this.

Why? You seem like a nice girl.

I blushed. That's probably the nicest thing somebody has said to me.

Thanks. But why would you talk to a nobody?

Well I want to and who said you're a nobody? You're a person aren't you.

I laughed, my first laugh in so long. "Is something funny Maddy?" Mr. Jeffries asked. Oh no, I've never been in trouble before. "Yes sir, she was laughing because I had said something funny." Rhydian covered for me. That's sweet of him! "Well I hope you two are laughing about the chapter you should be reading." We both just nodded holding back our laughs.


I smelled the air and then the scent was back. What's it doing here at school? It was time to switch classes. I sniffed again and got a trail. I started to follow it. Went to the first floor of the school and then I followed it towards a classroom. I couldn't barge in so I peeked through the window. The scent lead straight to...Rhydian! Rhydian is also a wolf-blood? Then the teacher came up to the door and opened it.

"Hello Maddy. May I help you?" I stood there frozen. " I just, stopped by to say hi. So hi! Now bye," I made a dash for my class. Gosh that was so embarrassing!


Finally! Lunch time, I'm starving. I hope they have meat on the menu, I'm craving some right now. "Maddy!" I turned around wondering who called me name. Then I see Rhydian and everybody else staring. "Hey Rhydian."

"So what's on the menu?" I tried to look but couldn't see. "That's what I'm trying to figure out myself," I wasn't looking where I was going so I bumped into somebody...but it was not just somebody, it was the 3 K's. Kara, Katrina, and Kay. "I'm sorry." I looked down.

"You better be. And just for that-" I looked up just to get milk poured on my head. "That should teach you a lesson. Watch where you're going loser." Then they shoved me. Rhydian was there watching the whole time, now I'm really embarrassed. I ran out of the lunchroom crying and headed toward the front school doors.

Hey guys! Hope you guys like this ^.^ you should watch the tv series of this you'd love it, I know I did! Well don't forget to vote and share and comment. Until then, later

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