Chapter 23

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Wait. I heard wrong right? That baby can't be! I have baby pictures of me with my mum and dad, not that old woman. This can't be true. It can't be. 

I heard Jacob speak to me but I didn't answer him since I was still in shock. I sat down against a rock and thought about everything in my life. If what I saw was true, how can my parents or foster parents, not tell me about it? 

"So you mean, my whole life was practically a lie?!" I wasn't yelling at anyone in particular, I just needed to let this all out. "I don't believe this, any of this! Just who are you?" I yelled at the kid.

"I am no one." Then he disappeared. What the heck! Now there's magicians? I can't take anymore of this nonsense. 

Jacob grabbed a hold of my shoulders and began to shake and yell at me, "Maddy, you need to calm down! I get that you think you're going crazy but you're not. We need to think all this through very carefully," I've never seen Jacob like this before, not even when we were friends...but then again I never acted like this before.

"Okay, you're right. I just don't know what to believe anymore, it's like my life was all a lie."

Jacob and I sat down and he began to rub my back like he used to, it was nice and calming. "Don't worry. We will figure this out later, for now we need to get your parents back." 

We? "Wait, you're helping me? Why?" 

He stopped rubbing my back and crossed his arms, "I've been thinking a lot and...I want to give our friendship another try. I missed all those times when I'd make you laugh, happy, and always being there for you,"

"And when I saw you laughing with Jason and Amelia back there, that was when I thought about our friendship. So what do you say? Want to give it another try?"

This is hard. "How can I trust you? I trusted you last time and it turned out you were supposed to kill me, thankfully you didn't. But what makes this time any different than the last?"

"I get what you're saying. Which is why I want to have a fresh start...Hello, my name is Jacob Barnes. And you are?" 

I smiled at him, "Everybody deserves a second chance right? Hi, I'm Madeline Smith. Nice to meet you Jacob,"

Right now, I need to do what Jacob said. Parents first, me later. I grabbed Jacob's hand remembering he doesn't see the passage through the cave like I see it. I lead him straight towards the cell where I was locked up. I stopped midway, knowing I can't see. But I tried to listen for sounds and see if anybody was around so we don't get caught. 

"Let me go in by myself okay? I don't want you getting caught because of me. I was about to go but Jacob held me back. "What?"

"Don't let go. I don't know what would happen to me since I can't see this part of the cave unless I'm holding your hand," 

He has a point. If we both go, we'll be in huge trouble. But I don't know what would happen to him if I left him here. "Okay, lets go." 


"Do you smell that?" One of the wolfs thought. Half of the village were in their wolf form and the other half was in their human form. Jacob's dad was human for now. Anyway, when Jacob's dad was told about the smell, he ran back to the cave to see Maddy and his son in perfect condition. 

"How did you two get back?" 

Maddy and Jacob looked at each other not knowing what to say. "Does it matter?" Maddy said.

"No. As long as your back here then it's all good. Now for you leaving, I've decided on your consequence, same for you Jacob." Jacob's dad decided to let them both out and he dragged them towards a small hut. It was the exact hut where Maddy's parents were being held. 

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