Chapter 19

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Where am I? Ugh, my head hurts like crazy! What happened?

"You're finally awake. You may be wondering what happened but we'll tell you later. For now, enjoy some time in your cozy home."

I looked around and I was in a cell. It was dark, murky and really smelly. I decided to use Eolas to try and get out of here but it wouldn't work. It was dark as before.

"I've tried that already." The voice came from the dark corner. The person came out and it was a girl that looks a little bit older than me.

"Who are you?"

"Amelia. I'm a prisoner here for quite some time now and I've tried every escape route from digging a hole to breaking those bars to the outside. And for sure, Eolas won't work."

"So you're a wolfblood too. Wild or tame?"

"Tame. I didn't want to live as a wild so I ran away from home when I was little and lived by myself in the woods,"

"Really? That's cool. Just wondering, how old are you?"

"I'm 17, you?"

"16. You're a year older than me."

Amelia and I talked some more to know each other better. Then we heard something move, "Who's there?" I called out. Then a guy appeared out of nowhere, scaring me to death. And Amelia screaming.

"I'm sorry for scaring you. I'm here to apologize on behalf of my family. My name is Jason and I'm here to help."

"Well Jason, why should we help you? And if you did then you would have helped Amelia here when she was first captured."

"You have a point Maddy but I couldn't help her since I was on duty while she was here in the beginning, but when you got here, they let me go."

"How do you know my name?"

"I'm sorry but I eavesdropped while you two were getting to know each other."

"You rude young man!" Amelia said. I held up my hand to quite her down.

"Now why should we trust you?"

"I'm your only hope," Amelia and I looked at each other.

"Fine." Jason had a smile on his face and held up keys. He unlocked the door and lead us upstairs. "My family is visible so you'll be able to see them. I would make you two invisible but they'll see you. The upside is they're blind, they sense things by sight and sound so we need to be really quite to not get caught."

We nodded in understanding. This will be tricky if they have good hearing. We were upstairs to see the family watching TV. What's the point of having a TV if you can't see? Must be a blind thing. I took a good look at them and Jason resembled his mothers' eyes and his dads' face. So Jason was actually good-looking now that I think about it.

He has two sisters, one old and young, and an older looking brother. So that makes six of when I was out in the woods it had to be the older ones and the young sister was here at home. Wait a minute...if they're all blind, shouldn't Jason be blind too? I looked at the family on the couch to see their eyes little white than the usual color, but you can identify what the color of their eyes are.

Then I looked at Jason's eyes when he turned around to make sure we were quiet, and his eyes weren't like the rest of his family.

I heard a squeak and turned around to face Amelia. She stepped on a squeaky floorboard and I looked at the family. The dad turned around to look straight at us and it was scary. "Jason? Is that you?"

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