The ball of the spade kingdom

Start from the beginning

I full on had a mental panic attack as Alfred immediately noticed and helped me stay on my feet by holding me close by the waist. "Arthur what's wrong?" He asked concerned as I continued to have the panic attack. "I...Francis...Panic attack... Please help me Alfred," I tried to form sentences only managing to form one. He looked at me concerned and held me tight as I finally passed out from the hyperventilation. Please help me Alfred. I beg of you...

Alfred's POV

I leaned on the balcony and waited for Arthur to do the same and tell the story. After a while of waiting I started to get concerned and turned around to see Arthur shaking probably from fear, looking as if he will fall over any moment and breathing heavily. I run up to him and put my arm around his waist to try and steady him as I looked around trying to search for help or what could've caused this.

"Arthur what's wrong?" I asked concern evident in my voice. "I...Francis...Panic attack...Please help me Alfred," he pleaded in between heavy breathing and shaking. He finally passed out after he said the last sentence. What... Why is Arthur so afraid of Francis. Sure he is a pervert, but he is hell weak and only focuses on himself and his riches.

"Hey mon cheré. Another one who passed out?" I hear Francis ask from outside as I cover Arthur's face by hiding it in my chest. "Huh... Oh yeah. I'm going to my room if you need me," I quickly responded and picked Arthur up bridal style still hiding his face. "Okay just don't have to much fun cheré," he winked as I nodded and practically ran upstairs to my room.

After I got there I placed Arthur on my King sized bed as I quickly locked the door and got Arthur something to wear. It's freezing cold and he's wearing a maid dress?! He never explained why though. I brushed it off as I quickly changed into my own pajamas. I hesitantly took off the maids outfit and see he was covered in bruises, hickeys and bite marks. I stare at him confused as it finally registered in my mind. He is the maid Francis was talking about?! I get that he is cute in every way possible, but this is going to far dude!

I sighed in sadness as I continued to dress him in the probably oversized pajamas. As I was finally done I covered him in blankets as I sat on my chair. I just kept staring at Arthur as my thoughts travelled back to what I saw. How could you do something like that to him? What did he ever do to you?! That's probably why he looked scared and nervous around me, he feared I will do the same to him as that wine bastard did. I gritted my teeth in anger. I will kill that bastard! Wait why am I so protective of someone I just met?! He's still afraid of me and probably never wants to see Francis again especially at a kingdom meeting... Wait am I seriously thinking of him as my queen. Oh I'm soooo confused!

"Alfred!" I heard my name being called as I snapped out of my thoughts. "Huh... Oh Yao! Please don't shout," I stood up, opened the once locked door and I pointed at the bed. Yao noticed the outline of Arthur in the blankets as he stared at me in surprise. "Wait did you..." He whispered surprised. "What! No!" I whisper screamed as I led him outside so we could talk, closing the door behind me.

"That's Arthur. He just need to stay here for a while. Anyway what did you need?" I explained as he nodded. "Uhm well the guests are leaving and I wanted to know if you have found a queen," he responded as I nodded along. "Well no I haven't, Arthur is the only interesting person I've met tonight and I will say my farewells to the guests of tonight," I nervously explained as we made our way to the door, both of us not saying a word.

All of the guests slowly left the castle as I kissed their hands and wished them a goodnight. Finally all the kingdoms started leaving. First the heart, then the clubs. Ivan (King of Clubs) kissed Yao's hand making him blush as he actually wished us a good night. All of the kingdoms asked me if I found a queen to which I only shook my head. Then came the kingdom of diamonds. "Ah Alfred I didn't suspect you to wish everyone farewell. Finished so soon. I bet I would have pleasured them for way longer," Francis taunted as I only glare and growl in response. Of course he didn't notice and said his farewells as well. And so we went to our respected bedrooms, that's of course after we gossiped about Ivan for a while. Which included me teasing Yao a little... Okay a lot.

I silently came into the room as I see Arthur still passed out. I felt my heart ache as I looked sadly at the sleeping beauty. I sat in the same chair as I slowly fell asleep. I had a heart wrenching thought before my eyes fluttered shut and darkness overtook me. What even happened between Arthur and Francis...?

Helloooo Hope you liked this chapter and will read further. And trust me I DON'T hate France. It's actually the opposite, he is one of my favorite characters (My friend's name for me on WhatsApp is literally France lover😂). Sooo... Please like and comment seriously I'm desperate at this point. If you want to role play, I love it so feel free to private message me. Anyway till next time

Bye bye lovelies😘❣

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