She had to prove herself if she wanted to be heard. They wouldn't take her seriously because she's a queen. These men only knew the affects of war and those they fought beside. But before she could counter her husband the tent opened and the Lords came in.

"A messenger from the Twins, Your Grace." He announced before the boy appeared.

The words made Robb tense as he still hadn't told her about the deal. But the only question on Jaidyn's mind was, what did Walder Frey want?

"Your Grace." The boy addressed not knowing the queen was also in the room. "I bring news from Walder Frey about the terms of your agreement."

"What agreement?" Jaidyn asked curious to what this was about.

"The agreement to hold to Twins for the King in the North." The boy replied before continuing. "He is sorry for your loss, but he also knows you will need another bride to produce an heir."

The room looked at Jaidyn wondering what she might do but she was still wondering what this deal entailed. Walder Frey had been after their hand for some time and if Robb made a deal with him, then he had to have known she was his wife. What news could he have gotten to want to come with a new deal?

"And what information has Lord Frey received?" Maege Mormont questioned next.

"The houses of the Seven Kingdoms have all received ravens. 'The Queen and the heir of the North are dead'." The boy stated making Robb remember the raven that had come in moments before Jaidyn. "Lord Frey would once again like to offer one of his daughters to bear you an heir."

Everyone seemed focused on the fact that Walder Frey hadn't waited long to negotiate a new deal. But Jaidyn was caught up on one phrase, "once again". This wasn't the first time that he had offered marriage.

"Whatever news Walder Frey had been given was false." Robb quickly countered, wanting whatever false news that was spreading to cease. As he announced his demand, his hands interlocked with Jaidyn's as he mentioned her title. "Send Ravens to every house and inn in the North. The Queen and the Prince of the North are alive."

The others discussed on what to do with the boy now that the terms had been declined. But Jaidyn felt like there was more to the deal that Robb had agreed too. She needed to know what other terms were given.

"Wait." She called out when she noticed the boy turning to leave after being dismissed. "What other terms were agreed to with Lord Frey?"

Eyes fell on Robb at her question. They all assumed that she was privy to the deal before. They had all seen how the deal had affected him and wondered what she might do once she found out.

"A deal was dealt with Lord Frey for the bridge crossing, his men and fealty." The boy began to explain. "King Robb agreed to a squire, his younger sister's hand and the firstborn heir of the North."

Jaidyn's world seemed to freeze when she heard the last term. Not once had she thought that the future of her child would be handed out.

The person she trusted most in this world had made a deal and didn't consult her. He had changed the life of their child that she had given birth to only days prior. She couldn't wrap her mind around it.

The Black Bear 》Robb StarkWhere stories live. Discover now