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The Tomlinson-Styles household was a bit melancholy for a period of time. Louis didn’t cry after that night. Instead he walked around in a melancholy state trying to wrap his head around the idea of how Cher could’ve possibly been doing drugs.

Harry, filled with rage, wanted to find Cher and take her to court. He wanted her to pay for the damage she’d done to his family. He wanted her to come back and see what a hole she had left here, but he knew finding Cher wasn’t going to be easy. But it wasn’t even rage that really fueled Harry. Instead, it was the thought that his unborn child could still be alive in the heathen’s womb.

Liam and Zayn were both confused. They could tell their parents were going through something, but they were far too young to understand it. All they knew was that life was going on and they still went to school, but what the two young boys failed to realize is that people talk.

In Zayn’s preschool, it wasn’t too apparent since the only one who really knew was Ms. Zee. She sent her condolences, but she made sure that Zayn still felt loved and no different than any of the other girls and boys. She wanted him to remember he was still special.

Liam’s class, since they were a bit older, didn’t truly understand what was going on, but they did like to talk. That was why on a day when Liam was at recess, he noticed some of the other children beginning to avoid him. Liam would try to talk the kids he’d naturally play with, but they wouldn’t associate with him.

“Why won’t you guys play with me?” Liam huffed as he held back tears. “I wanna play.”

“We can’t play with you because my mommy says you’re in the sinner’s house,” one little girl said.

“No I live with Daddy and Dada,” Liam said, confused at her statement.

“You live with a fag,” one boy screamed at Liam. Liam, who had never heard that word before, was confused when the children began to laugh. He didn’t know what to do, so he did what he knew and used his anger.

Liam bit the little boy and held on until the fifth grade teacher had to pull him off. Liam was kicking and wriggling in his grip and Mrs. Thompson came between the angered and the injured. She looked at Liam, disappointment written across her face, and nodded at the older gentleman to take Liam away to the front office where the principal would be.

Liam pouted and huffed as he was sat down on the bench in front of the office. He was sat there while the fifth grade teacher went to talk to the principal to explain what had happened. Liam was confused and angered. He wanted to explain how this wasn’t his fault and how that one boy had talked poorly about his family.

While Liam’s mind was clouded with dark clouds and thoughts, he hadn’t noticed another person sitting beside him for a short time.

“Are you alright?”

Liam over to see a boy sitting next to him, his lip ripped and looking a bit rough.

“Yes, are you?” Liam asked genuinely as he stared at the boy with wide eyes.

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