Love is in the air

Start from the beginning

I locked the door, strode back towards the bed, placed the food tray on the night table and sat leaning on to the headboard. I wiped out the baby hairs that was falling on Situ's forehead and cheeks.. She moved more to my side still without waking up.. I rubbed her shoulders and called her with sweet nick names.. I called her name and finally she stirred a little before pulling the comforter to her head and continued sleeping.

"Situ get up babe. Its too late"

"Few minutes pleaseeeeeeee'' she pressed that 'e' too much making my lips curve into a smile.

"You can sleep more minutes tonight, now it's already 1.40 in the afternoon. Get up Situ"

"Don't bluff Arjun" she huffed...

"If you doubt so, then look at the clock by yourself.. "

She slowly peeked from the blanket and opened her eyes and looked at the clock before closing her eyes again..

"You are going to sleep even after Seeing the time.." I asked out in surprise..

"You should have adjusted the time inorder to wake me up Arjun.. I know you"

She is unbelievable sometimes, no many times actually. Why will I adjust the time to wake her up, I didn't even think this way. Situ will not wake up by this subtle ways, I understood that sound and clear. Now I have to give her a surprise wakeup, not an unusual thing from the regular wale up methods, but it will sound rude..

Everyone knows that way, but I am going to do that in a different way, I don't want to spoil the mattresses as I have many plans for upcoming days and this mattress is just perfect. I rushed to restroom, opended the shower and after testing its warmness, I came back to pick up my lovely wife.

I picked her up which resulted in a mortified squeal from her and before she could react, I plopped ourselves under the shower..

"Ahhh.... donkey monkey idiot moron Arjun" she shouted at a high pitch tone in anger earning a heart felt laughter from me.. She pinched my arms and soon she realized that she was in her birth suit.. Her cheeks heated up and she hid her face in her palms..

"What is there to hide especially after yesterday's night" I chuckled looking at her flushed cheeks.. I hugged her towards my chest while the warm water cascaded doen our bodies. I discarded the last piece of clothing which was covering my neithers and hugged her back.

We both had a warm and comfortable shower together before covering ourselves with robes and heading out. Situ saw the food placed at the night stand and looked at me questioningly. She didn't wait for me to speak up, she took a plate and plopped on the bed taking a bite of roti.

"When did you brought up the food here Arjun" she asked me munching at the food.

"When did I do that.. I was sleeping beside you like a wooden log while you was sleeping like a cocooned kangaroo" I replied eating my morsels of food.

"Then how? "

"Mamma came up to wake us with the tray of food" before I could finish my sentence she spit her food and started coughing in shock.

"Arjun don't play... Please tell the truth"

"Why would I play in this. Really mamma came with this"

"Did I slept like any sane person while mamma was here?? Atleast please tell me that I was covered properly.. " she pleaded cutely.

"Hahaha... Don't worry before opening the door I covered you properly baby"

She sighed in relief muttering a "thank god".

"We should do this only on weekends when we get this tired.." she told smiling..

"That we can do.. but exceptional case is our honeymoon" I smirked..


After a long time.... This is a short chapter but today is friendship day so for that. Its my way of showing gratitude to wattpad as it was the main reason for my life now..

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With love

Yours Sowmitha😍

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