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Sitara - 22 years old girl, not so beautiful as model but good looking . She is doing her masters degree in business administration. Only daughter to her parents. Fair skin, mid waist length hair, not so lean, cute and chubby cheeks, nice curves, intelligent, kind hearted and easily gets adapted.

Shekar - Sitara's father. Out spoken and very practical man. Works in a private company. He is a person whose first and only priority is his family and strives hard for their happiness...

Sudha- Sitara's mother. Loves her husband and daughter to the core. Big support to them. Sitara's best friend. A perfect homemaker. Backbone of their happiness and well being....

Arjun- A successful business man, only heir of Sharma industries.Not the usual arrogant ceo, but a  man with good principles.A person who loves his parents more than anybody.Their wish is his command..

Prakash Sharma- Father of Arjun.Chairman of Sharma industries. Fun loving person with over energy and enthusiasm for his age. Friendly person. A person who respects every human and treats them equally irrespective of their financial status.

Durga- Mother of Arjun. Lovely wife of Prakash Sharma. The coolest mom who makes her surrounding happy with her presence. She is Very fond of girl children, but not blessed with one.

Vidyan - A man without any good principles. Sitara's cousin. With his gigantic features he  intimidates many innocent people and takes advantages of  them. Has been in Prison for few months. Neither he nor his parents have any regret for their cheap behaviour.

Jamuna- Vidyan's mother. Sitara's aunt. Shekar's elder sister.Even though she knows about the bad qualities of her son, she thinks him as the most handsome and humble person in the world. Here, Sitara hates her to the core and will be refered with a nickname 'DEVIL'..

These people are the main leads of this story and more characters will come in the flow.

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