Chapter Nine: Mistakes

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WARNING: EXPLICIT LANGUAGE (Not so explicit, actually)

Alexia's POV

Guilt weighed down upon me as I scrolled down my Twitter timeline. I knew I shouldn't have done this. This was going to be a royal mess. I was in deep shit. My guilty conscience had been haunting me since last night. God knows what I was thinking or rather not thinking when I pulled up this crap idea. I was royally screwed. If the management found out that I was behind this, I"m sure they'd terminate my contract and kick me out and if the boys found out about this, I don't think they'd ever want to see me again. How could I have been so pig-headed?

Yesterday had been the worst day of my life so far. The day started way too early for my liking, I had two early morning interviews lined up, followed by a meeting with the management and then rehearsals for the concert. I woke up with the worst alarm. Louis screaming at the top of his lungs. What is wrong with his brains?

This is a straight fact- I'm not a morning person.

Also, screaming at the top of your lungs is probably the best way to tick off a bad mood.

The interviews were pretty much uneventful, by now they've become routine. But according to Louis and Zayn, I was rude and snappy. Whatever. Like I care. I didn't understand what Louis's problem was, and so I asked him to "fuck off", which obviously didn't go well with anyone, and they all shot me disapproving looks. Again, I really didn't care.

By the time we reached the management's headquarters, I was completely annoyed and the level of boredom had reached: ALARMING. Sitting through meetings is usually bad, but today it felt like I was in Pandemonium. They just kept going on and on and on for one whole hour after which we had a short break. During that very short interval of time, Mr. Zayn Malik spilled a tall cup of frappé over my white dress. Just my luck!

"Are you fucking insane?" I yelled at him while the others burst out into fits of laughter. I get it, I look funny!

"Hey! It was an accident. I'm sorry though!" He replied, trying to help me out.

"Just let it be!" I yelled trying to push his hands away. I just wanted to be alone.

"At least let me get it off! It won't stain so much that way." He said trying to brush tissues on the skirt.

"I said leave it alone! Do you not understand simple English language? I'm going to have to buy a new one anyway." I was yelling at his face by now.

"I was just trying to help! I don't see the big deal here, it's just a dress!"

He actually had the fucking audacity to say that?

"I'll buy you a new one if it's that big a deal" He tried again.

"Just fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! You are not the one who's going to have to go to the fucking hotel just to change clothes, so you won't bloody understand!" I screamed pushing him hard. I think he almost fell down. But I didn't care, so without another glance, I walked out of that suffocating room.

Out on the balcony, it felt much better. The fresh air seemed welcoming. I have no idea why I acted the way I did, but I was really really pissed. I had never have had such a terrible day before. It was absolutely horrifying!

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Liam had followed me, I guess.


"So that little outburst was nothing?" He asked placing a hand over my shoulder which I immediately pushed off.

"No, it wasn't. It's not a 'big deal' anyway. Now leave me alone."

"I will not leave you alone until you tell me what's wrong." He said a bit more firmly this time.

Stubborn ass.

"Holy Lord! I think all of y"ll have comprehension problems. I just asked you to fucking leave me alone, Liam!" I yelled the last part. What is his damn problem?

"First, correct your language. I am trying to have a civil conversation with you; you do not need to be uncouth. And second, I just told you that I will not leave until you tell me what's wrong with you, Alexia." He said emphasizing on my name.

I didn't reply.

"We have five more minutes before the meeting resumes, so you better start speaking." He said looking at his watch.

"I already told you that I do not have any problem! Can't you just go away?" I yelled, again. Turning back furiously only to be blocked by his tall frame.

"Get out of my way." I seethed.


"Get out." I tried to push him away. He was too strong.

He caught my hands firmly thus ending my pathetic attempt of pushing him. "Stop this pushing business."

"Let go of my hands!" I said trying to wrestle against his strong grip.

"Will you tell me what's wrong then?"

"I said nothing is wrong! I already told you! Go away! Just mind your own damn business." I tried to push him away with all my strength.

"Fine then! I gave you multiple chances, if you wish to continue acting like a 5-year old brat, then so be it. I want you to go in there and apologise to everyone for your outburst and then ask Zayn to punish you." He literally commanded.

What? What's wrong with him?

"Well I don't care what you fucking want and I"m not going in there to apologise when I did nothing wrong. It was Zayn's goddamn fault. He should be the one apologising." I yelled yet again.

"Lower your voice and get going." He said austerely.

"I. Will. Not."

I think that did it for him and within a blink, he turned me around and landed a very hard swat to my backside. Ouch! But before anything else could happen, we were interrupted.

"Mr. Payne, Ms. Andrews, they want you back in the conference room." A young intern said.

Oh Holy Spirit! Had he seen that? How much more dreadful could the day get?!


Author's Note:

Hey guys! I'm back, I guess. So if you've still hung onto the story, then I thank you with all my heart! I have been grounded for the longest period of time. Also I'm the worst procrastinator ever, and I had a major writer's block, so yeah! It's been bad and I've been unable to come on wattpad. But please forgive me! I know this chapter is short, but there's more coming up.

What do you think will happen next?

Comment below!

Also don't forget to vote! I'll post as soon as I get time.(But votes and comments are really motivational!) I have a lot of schoolwork to finish.

Love you. XX

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