Chapter 6

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Ch 6

    Sorry for all the delays and stuff I had a major project soo I was doing that but here is the new chapter thank yoU!


    I was walking to class when the door suddenly slam open and hit my face this is the second time, I don't care who hits me on the face anymore I was pissed beyond pissed. I fell on the floor as I saw a hand reached out to me, I looked up and I saw it was the girl who went off with Katherine. I looked into the closet and there was Katherine her clothes well its on the floor as I looked at them and the girl said: "I'm so sorry we were carried away."  I shook her hand away and whisper to myself carry away my ass. I walked ahead as I went to find the nurse I need to find out what happened to Katherine and deal with my troubled feelings. 


      Me and Carol was reaching each other's climax as Carol accidentally kicked open the door. Damn that girl has some violent issues she hit me on the wall a few times and I realize I would have alot of bruises when I get home. I went to see who she hit again as I realize it was Ashley. She was staring at us but not with disgust but with lost, what does that mean? I don't even care about her I walked to Carol as she gave me her phone number.  I looked at the clock it was almost time to leave one more hour. I went to my locker as I saw a few girls cornered Alyssa.


       I was walking to the nurse office when I saw Katherine and ALyssa. They look like they are in a argument, I stepped closer as I heard one of the girls yelled: "You think you're soo badass! You were just another toy of Summer!"  With that said Katherine landed her fist in her face and the girls came attacking them. I rushed into the middle of them as I try stopping them but failed miserably. I just got hit in the face and blood was rushing out of my nose. I felt a hand picking me up to the nurse office again.


   The girls was trying to hit Alyssa as I went into the fight and was about to beat them up. When they mentioned Summer that was it, that was my point I don't want to stop anymore I just want to beat every single one of them in the face. I brought her to my sister's nurse room as she sighed at me because she saw her twice already. As she wrapped her up, my sister went out to get medicine but when I try to get out to open the door it was locked. Damn this school the locks was always broken. I try to open it but then I heard a small voice saying: "Katherine...don't leave."  I was hypothize by her voice as I went back to her and hold her hand. 


       I called Katherine's name as she came back to me I hold her hand as she said: "Yes?"  I never heard her voice that soft before, I looked into her eyes as I saw a mix of emotions. Her eyes has sorrow, confusion, love and desire. I leaned forward and put my lips on hers she didn't push back as we leaned forward and everything was beautiful at this moment until I heard the door slammed open

HeartBreaker GirlxGirlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें