Wrongfully Committed

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I do not know why I am here. I'm trying to push my arms away but they will not give. I'm tied down to a mildly uncomfortable bed. This is an Insane Asylum. I work here so I know where I am but I'm usually on the other side; I'm usually giving the shots or the pills or the therapy. Why, then, am I here?

Okay, I need to work this out. I was at home, I had just gotten home from work. My youngest daughter was waiting by the door with flowers, knowing how stressed I've been. Oh god I have to get back to her. She is six. Her name is Elizabeth, but we call her Liz. After she gave me the flowers, she grabbed onto my left arm and I lifted her up a couple times as I made my way to the kitchen where my loving wife was finishing up dinner. Her name is Katherine; I call her Kathy. I kissed her hello and put Liz in a chair for her to finish her orange juice. I then walked over to my oldest daughter, Samantha (also known as Sam) and my only son, Timothy (also known as Tim). They were working on homework together, for they are twins and in the same grade. Both of them are 16. I helped them with their homework then... then... I don't remember.

How come I can remember so distinctly everything that happened earlier that day and everything before that but I can't remember how that day ended and how I ended up here? I'm scared. Kathy can't provide for our three children as well as take care of them alone. I can't be in here. I have to get back to them!

Alright. I need to calm down before I have a heart attack. As a former worker, I know you can't get out unless by death. There's been attempts to escape before, some hurting the workers and making a break for it, others faking their own deaths. God the stories I could tell.

It wouldn't work though- faking my death that is. When somebody dies here, they go through a cycle that happens within the gates. A machine removes each body part which make them easier to be moved to their relatives for them to do what they wish with. It's a morbid system if I'm being honest. Anyways, there was once this guy that had attempted escape multiple times but to no avail.

Finally, after realizing that nobody who dies is buried on site, he got the idea to fake his death. Now, this man was skilled. He could deliberately stop his heartbeat and hold his breath at the same time. To this day I still do not understand how it was possible. He thought it worked at first, for he had been wrapped up and started being transported- to where? He had no idea he was just on his way to his actual and painful death.

As the machine slowly tore the limbs off his body, his shrieks of pain as well as his screams of terror echoed throughout the hallway. When a worker came, he stopped the machine but the man was already dead. I can't make that mistake.

What other option is there? I can't fight my way out, nor sneak out. I am also restrained to the bed, which is quite uncomfortable might I add. I don't know what to do! I can try to convince them I'm not crazy. I know I'm not. First, though, I have to remember how I got here.

I know that before patients are committed here, they are sent to jail until they can meet with a psychologist who will determine their fate- that is whether they are sent to prison or here. I have no memory of that though so I might be able to rule that out.

I also know that the only other way to be committed is to be submitted by a family member or a close friend. After somebody is committed, a psychologist will meet with them shortly after, meaning if I was submitted by a family member or a close friend, I will be able to meet with my psychologist later, maybe today. I can't imagine who would submit me though, I have a stable mind and almost no enemies.

There has to be an explanation as to why I am here. I need to think! What happened yesterday night that I'm not remembering?

Okay, I need to calm down. No, I need my medication. They should know what to give me. I should be getting released to go to the cafeteria to eat as well as get my meds at around 12:30. I don't have a clock, nor do I have a window so I can't guess the time.

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