"You just have me all figured out, huh?" he smirks and rises.

"Where are you going?"

"To my room," he replies while walking away.

Lately, he's been spending quite a bit of time in there. He'll stay closed in for a few hours, come out and eat, entertain me, then go right back in. I don't pry in his business because frankly I don't have time to.

Despite us sharing the same sheets now, he'll occasionally fall asleep in his room. I've never made a fuss about it because he can sleep wherever he pleases but I prefer him next to me.

I want to ask what he does in there but I don't want to seem as if I'm prying. Then again, this is my house.

Maybe I should just leave it alone. This isn't the time to be adding anymore stress to my life. I'll pry later. In the meantime, I should get started on dinner.

Adarian's mind link was blocked so I walked upstairs to ask what he'd like to eat.

"Hey," I knock on the door. I heard scrambling on the other side before he opened it. "Yeah?"

From my peripheral view, I noticed papers sticking out of his desk drawer and a red, uncapped marker laying on the surface of the desk.

"What do you want to eat tonight?" I ask.

"Um," he pretends to think. "It doesn't matter," he shrugs. "I'm fine with whatever you make."

I should make something he doesn't like on purpose.

"Okay," I eye him warily. "If you're still up here, I'll yell instead of interrupting whatever you're doing."

He gives me an uneasy smile, "Yeah, okay."

With one last look I turned away and went downstairs to start cooking. He was definitely acting weird, which is odd behavior for him.

For his sake, I'd hate for him to disappoint me.

"Is there a reason you wanted me to be your plus one today?" I ask my mom.

"Can't a mother want to spend quality time with her daughter?" I shrug and get into the car.

Usually, Saryn tags along with her to run errands. I've been so busy that I haven't spent much time with either member of my family.

I glance over at the faint smile she's wearing on her face. I notice how she sighs every few seconds while drumming her fingers along the steering wheel. I know my mother well enough to know what that means.

"What is it?" I ask.

"What?" she frowns.

"You want to say something," I state.

She stole a quick, defeated glance in my direction. "I'm just curious about a few things, that's all."

"Okay..." I know this conversation is about to head somewhere I don't want it to.

"Your relationship," she begins. "I see that you're happy and in love?"

"I guess you can say that."

"You're not worried about how it would interfere with you meeting your mate?" she asks, making my breath hitch.

I never told my parents or anyone in my family about Bryce. I don't know why I didn't. I guess I was too infatuated with him when we first met to even think about anyone else. Eventually, I was glad that I didn't because meeting him soon felt like the worse thing to ever happen to me.

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