Humans are Complicated: Paul's POV

Start from the beginning

Once Litten had gotten back enough energy to drink his water and help me finish off the razz berries I returned him to his Pokeball. With a grunt, I got back up onto my feet and made my way out of the serene forest. I had only been walking for ten minutes when the trees suddenly ended and I found myself at the back end of a small cemetery. I blinked in surprise, consulting my navigation device to find that I had misjudged my direction and had come out of the forest more north than I had planned, but if I went through the cemetery the pokemon center would only be a short walk up the path.

As I walked through the cemetery a Murkrow cawed loudly at me and I stopped, watching the bird pokemon flap his little wings and take off towards the forest I had just exited. I wonder how my Honchkrow is doing, I wondered. 

For just a second I felt a pang of nostalgia as I thought of all the pokemon I had traveled with throughout the years. Honchkrow had always been the strong and silent type and his attack and special attack stats were off the charts. He had been indispensable in my pokemon league battles.

Shaking my head I berated myself for being sentimental. I knew that Reggie was training all of my pokemon daily and I was sure they were enjoying the break from the constant battling and intensive training I had put them through for these last eight years. Quickly leaving the cemetery behind I followed the path past a motel of sorts and soon I saw the iconic white and red pokemon center building. The sun had already set, and the thought of relaxing in the pokemon center's large bath house made me walk a little quicker.

Nurse Joy took both Litten and Torterra's Pokeballs from me with a smile and handed me my room key. I sketched a small bow in thanks. Deciding that I wanted a bath more than I wanted to eat, I went to my room and selected a fluffy towel from the closet before walking down to the bottom floor of the building where the men's and women's baths were located. 

I took my time, allowing the warm water to slough off the dirt and sweat that had accumulated in the last couple of days. Not that I particularly cared about cleanliness, but I hated feeling sticky and the humid alolan air caused me to sweat more than I was used to.

Breathing out contentedly I walked out of the baths after changing into my spare clothes and leaving my dirty ones in the laundry hamper provided by the PokeCenter. My mind had gone to what I could find for dinner when I stopped dead in my tracks, a frown tugging the corners of my lips down as I stared into familiar blue eyes.

"Paul?" Dawn asked in surprise. 

I blew an annoyed breath through my nose before stepping around her and continuing on my way towards the staircase, trying not to think about how the ends of her wet hair had been curling slightly. Stupid photographic memory, I seethed in my mind as I tried to delete the image of "Dawn fresh from a bath" out of my mind.

I was already halfway up the stairs before I realized that Dawn hadn't called out to me. I nodded to myself, glad that she seemed to have gotten the hint that I didn't want to associate with her.

Making my way to the cafeteria I stood in line for a teriyaki bowl. I ate my meal in silence, ignoring the other trainers that were milling around. After I finished my meal I walked towards the nurse's station to pick up my Pokeballs but froze with an inward groan as I saw Dawn leaning against the counter, apparently waiting for her useless Piplup. 

Turning swiftly I started walking away from the station just as Nurse Joy's voice announced over the loudspeaker that my pokemon were ready to be picked up. Setting my jaw, I reluctantly turned and walked back to the counter just as Nurse Joy walked out with a tray of three pokeballs.

"Oh, perfect timing, Paul," Nurse Joy said as she looked up and saw me approaching. 

Dawn flinched at the mention of my name but she didn't turn to look at me so I didn't acknowledge her as I walked up to the counter and accepted my pokemon from Nurse Joy.

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