Dear girl, I promised I would take care of you and that time has come. In two hours I will be arriving, I won't let you get away from me little mouse. Wear something beautiful.

A date? We're going on a date?

I didn't even think we've yet to be on a real date and its been close to 7 months of our meeting, being excited was an under statement. What would I wear? It was getting slightly warmer outside but still chilly

"Um..Jacobe is coming to take me on a date, may I be excused to get dressed?" Papas eyes furrow and his mouth opens quickly to object "After all this time now he wants-" Ma' was already a step ahead and clears her throat louder than anything her husband would say

"Of course my star, do you need any help?"

"No thank you, Phoebe's taught me and if anything i'll just look up a tutorial online" I turn and skip up the stairs joyously. Thankful that the shopping spree that came with this house wouldn't go to waste after all. I hadn't even touched the glamorous new items purchased for me when we moved in all those months ago. I didn't think they suited me. But now they were a must.

I destroy my closet

picking apart every nook and cranny to see what would match, what type of style does Jacobe like? Oh that shouldn't matter. It is supposed to be be what I am comfortable with. But who come blame me fr wanting to please the Vladkov boy? This was something so unorthodox for him. For us. I wanted it to be special

"Sighhhhh" I blurt out now surrounded by piles of things I didn't even know I owned.. this will take days to clean and I'm completely okay with throwing them on "the chair" and forgetting them for the rest of eternity.

I don't wanna bother Phoebe or Jaime either, I gotta do this by myself

I look around one final time before my eyes land on a glittering fabric "What's this?.." I cast aside the others and pick up a dress that made the rest of my wardrobe fall to insignificance

"What the fu..did I even try this on or was it just thrown in?" At this point I didn't care where the hell the dress came from. Quickly I threw it on and could't recognize the girl in front of me. The midi champagne colored dress hugged me tightly, giving just a preview of what lay underneath. It was turtle necked but had no sleeves so I would have to throw on a sweater but I was fine with that. "Damn I look hot..Phoebe was right"

"I guess a basic face won't do at all.."

And I wouldn't allow it to, looking at the time from my phone- Jacobe would be here in an hour and I need to transform from country side bumpkin to instagram baddie influencer..I rip open my laptop and begin research.

I sculpted, brushed and plucked my face to perfection- opting to a teased hair look with a 70's makeup glam (because it was the easiest without the chance of me messing up) and while admiring my self accomplishment- my phone's time

I gulp and answer hesitantly


"Come outside, I'm here" And he hangs up. I roll my eyes at his rude behavior. Just because I like him doesn't mean he can just talk to me however he wants. The nerve of that asshole, in fact- fuck him

I grab the rest of my things and storm out of my room, "Bye Ma', bye Papa" I grit out. They say their farewells and give me a curfew. I go out to see Jacobe looking as handsome as ever in a dark satin button down and ebony slacks, accompanied with a new hair cut and stubble that made him the right type of dangerous. Topping it off with a dark brown trench coat over his shoulders. He was talking to someone in the vehicle which I found odd. It didn't help that the unnecessarily large bouquet of yellow roses almost melted my rage. Regardless, I kept my stance and march over

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