Chapter XVI

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"What?!" Dulcie cried, throwing the blankets off herself. "How on earth do you know they're in Chodel?"

Kayden's eyes sparkled, gleaming as though there were entire solar systems hidden away in his pupils.

"Becaaaaauuuuuuse," he drawled out, shifting weight from one foot to the other. "Paido is a roadless city - I don't know how we didn't already figure this out! I mean - it's literally called 'mibrin bar ga' in Paidonian!"
"...Which means?"
"Sorry, sorry. It means 'city without roads!'"

Dulcie blinked rapidly, looking around the room as though she could find an explanation hidden in the linens.
"They were taken away in that... truck... thing... whatever, yes? Yes. So, how on earth would a truck travel to a city with no roads leading to it, away from it, or within it? D'ya follow what I'm saying here, Dulce? You following?"
"I'm getting carried away here, I kn -"
"Nah," Dulcie said getting up and searching through her bag for a change of clothes. "I like it - even though Dulcie is already short for Dulcet. We leaving right now, or...?"

"Right now sounds good, if that's what you want?"
"It is."

Kayden frowned and his brows knitted themselves together.
"I thought you'd be more excited, you were... for lack of a better phrase, bit of a train wreck last night."
"Choo choo, I guess. But I am excited, I swear, I just don't want to wake anybody below us up by hopping around and screaming."
"There's a balcony outside. Walls outside are soundproofed out there, mind, so you won't bother anybody."

Dulcie smirked and headed onto the balcony.
Her voice was hoarse by the time she was done shrieking her joy skyward.

The thought briefly crossed Will's mind that getting into a stranger's car wasn't his best idea.

But the man hadn't said anything yet, and the few times he'd tapped on Addanaya's shoulder to mouth are we going the right way? She had nodded.

One part of Will panicked, and the other part focused on Pollux curled up at his side, softly snoring.

Pollux wasn't perfect, Will knew that. He was a nervous wreck, his lack of confidence impacted everything, and he either overthought or underthought everything, with zero in between. You couldn't have a healthy relationship if you thought your partner perfect, after all.

But Pollux was one of the smartest people he'd met, and was an absolute sweetheart. And he wasn't just knowledgeable about birds and history and trivia, no - he knew how to use a knife to incapacitate and not kill, how to not only survive but thrive under inane circumstances, and being multilingual was certainly a major boost.

Will beamed, smiling at nothing but the stars outside and the boy beside him - although they were one and the same, were they not?

"Aina jon mu," Will whispered. His Paidoian was rusty after so long, but he remembered most of it.
The phrase was essentially a milder form of 'I love you,' used for confessions and less intense statements of affection. Will considered himself mature for a fifteen-year-old, and knew it was foolish to proclaim love for somebody you hadn't known for long, but he had no problem admitting his affections for Pollux, even if they weren't yet love.

The other boy stirred, and with a smile playing on his face, whispered back; "Aina jon mu ma."

"Of course you speak Paidoian," Will grunted. "Brilliant."

Addanaya turned around.
"What're you boys yammering about? Oh sh-"

Will turned around in his seat, jostling the still half-asleep Pollux.


Behind them was a deep grey car, moving at a snail's-pace.

Something about it unnerved him, and he shook Aiden awake.
"I think somebody is following us."

The Metaphorical Key Book II- Forge the PathWhere stories live. Discover now