Chapter XI

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The wait is over! 

Kayden didn't say much when Dulcie revealed the true reasoning behind her search from the prison.

Instead, he just nodded, turning around when the toaster beeped and bounced the bagels up to grab. He grabbed them and slapped them down onto two plates, slapping cream cheese onto one and honey on the other.

She didn't meet his eyes as she ate, just shoved a quarter of the bagel into her mouth and bit down, and Kayden chuckled softly at the image of this hot-headed rebel cramming a bagel into her mouth.

He led the way to the mountain, turning around a few times to ensure that Dulcie was following.

She grumbled something about snow in October and Kayden laughed, shaking his head slightly before starting the climb.

They were fifteen minutes into the tunnel when he finally decided just how he felt about Dulcie's reveal.

The wanted the same things, he decided. They despised the Catago. He knew right from the beginning that they were breaking dozens of laws searching for the prison.

Dulcie had come ahead of him at some point, and he took long, quick strides to reach her, clapping his hand onto her shoulder. She flinched but turned around to face him regardless.


Kayden sighed, his head drooping before he perked it back up with a smile.

"I'm going to help you, okay? Right from the beginning, we've been committing felonies left and right. Don't worry, I'm not going to..." He paused for a moment.

"...Turn me in?"


Dulcie smiled, her jade green eyes crinkling.

"Good. Glad to hear it."

They walked along the tunnel stretch until their ankles ached and their legs were wobbling. Dulcie rubbed her burning eyes, blinking blearily in exhaustion.

But finally, they came across a large metal door, and Kayden carefully grasped the handle, pulling the cumbersome metal door open.

"It's unlocked!" He chirped, gesturing at the revealed hallway.

He ducked inside and waited for Dulcie to come in after him before shutting it and squinting until his eyes adjusted to the dark.

"I guess they didn't think anybody would be able to come up here," Kayden said, grinning brightly and shaking his head.

"Dumbasses, hmm?"

Dulcie chuckled and nodded, and they began their slow walk down the hallway, stopping every few seconds to ensure that no footsteps were coming towards them.

They ducked into another hallway, hearts beating a mile a minute as they continued their slow, creeping steps.

For what must've been the fiftieth time, they stopped and listened, tensing when they realized that they could hear footsteps.

Kayden eyed her with worry filled, walnut-coloured eyes and tried to stay relaxed - although the tremble of his lower lip betrayed his true worries.

A woman with ginger hair rounded the corner, humming slightly as her curls bounced on her shoulders.

Her lips - smeared in wine-coloured lipstick, fell open as she spotted the two, but Dulcie leapt forwards to clamp her hand over her mouth.

The duo darted back out the door - going much faster now that they weren't as worried about listening for footsteps. They slid back out into the hallway and slammed the door behind them, walking a few meters down the hallway before letting the girl go.

The Metaphorical Key Book II- Forge the PathKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat