Chapter V

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A breath tumbled out of Aiden's throat, and with shaky hands he pulled the half-file out from under the pile, crossing his fingers.

There was a photo on the file. It was of a smiling, gap-toothed ten-year-old, but it was unmistakably Curtis.

Just as he cried out in relief and started to read, there was a pounding at the door.

"Aiden! Open this door or I swear I'll break it down!"

It was Dulcie. He knew she wasn't joking, and so tucked the file away and opened the door.



He felt a pair of arms wrap around him, hands hooking into the deep-pocketed hoodie he was wearing. Aiden almost stumbled back in shock, but returned the hug, crumpling slightly into his friend.

She pulled back. She was wearing an amethyst coloured blazer over a deep orange and turquoise sweater and heavy duty boots. At her side was a bag, swung over her back. Her hair was dishevelled, and it took Aiden a moment to realize that she'd likely gone looking for him.

"Oh gods, I'm, so, so, glad that you're safe."

She grabbed him again, holding him still as though she was afraid he'd run off again.

Aiden smiled, returning the second hug before brushing her off him.

"I'm okay, I'm okay, yeah. That's... a really ugly colour scheme."

Dulcie smacked his arm.

"It was the warmest thing I had! It's nearly October, and it's chilly in Italon. Damn, I was right behind you the whole time, wasn't I?"

Aiden nodded, shuffling his feet awkwardly.

"I - yeah, I'm sorry. Can you give this to Rico?"

Aiden passed the remnants of the money he'd taken to her.

"I don't feel like facing him right now. I'll apologize later, I just... I need some time."

"I - of course."

Aiden swallowed, adjusting the shirt colour beneath his hoodie.

"Can - can you go and get Pollux? I - uh, I found Curtis' file."

"Oh my god, seriously? You actually got it?"

"Well, half of it."

Dulcie beamed and reached for the doorknob.

"Even though I was - and I still am, by the way, upset that you ran off, I was rooting for you to find it, you know that? Better to not waste six hours finding nothing, 'cause then you'd go again and that'd suck."

She opened the door and sprinted into the hall, shouting down the way for Pollux.

Aiden pulled the file out from where he'd stuffed it under his bed, just as the door was flung back open to reveal Dulcie, now with Pollux in tow.

They started to read.

Name: Curtis Benbow

Age: Ten

Birthdate: May Fifth

Gender: Male

Sex: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Pollux grasped the file and his eyes widened.
"Curtis was gay?"
"I guess so, why?"

Pollux glanced at Aiden.

"I - no reason."

Although it was quick, Aiden spotted Dulcie glance at her brother out of the corner of her eyes, open her mouth as if to say something, but instead shut her mouth and nodded subtly.

The Metaphorical Key Book II- Forge the PathWhere stories live. Discover now