Stef and Bryce

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Stef was taking classes at the community college with Andy, she wanted to become pediatric children's nurse. And the classes at the college in Organ were gonna help her. To make more money she got a job at a local Daycare center, that's when she meet Bryce Miller. Hi, i'm here to pick up Graham Miller. He said. Waite are you, Graham father, because Grace never mention anything about his father? Stef asked. No, i'm his uncle, Grace in my sister, she's working late for the next few nights. He said. Oh, OK i'll go get him. Stef said getting Bryce's Nephew. She later got him and placed him in Bryce's arm. Hey, buddy how are you? He said taking him. He's so sweet, he's one of my favorite kids here. Stef said. Yeah, being an uncle's amazing, I can't wait to have kids of my own someday you know. He said. Yeah, me to. She said. Well wave bye bye to Mrs. Stef. He said as they walk away. Over the next six days it was simple for Bryce and Stef, he came and picked up his nephew and Stef gave him to her. But then one day while Stef and Andy where out they saw him drinking. Stef, right. He said. Yeah, Bryce right? She asked. Yeah, it's me, Grace was able to pick him up so I decided to have a drink after the long week, you know. He said. I feel you. She said. You know Stef, i'm pretty tired so i'll let you be, and i'm just gonna go home. Andy said leaving she winked as she left the room. They ended up talking for hours and hours and soon the began dating. They dated for about two years and while Stef was still trying to be a pediatric children's nurse Bryce got a job as a high school English teacher. But 1989 he decided to pop the question to Stef, he needed Andy's help. Bryce and Andy got the kids at the daycare center where Stef worked to make a banner that they would hold up. Bryce had taken Stef out to lunch that day, and when she came back Andy was waiting for her with the kids and the sign. Hey, Harper i'm back from lunch, are the kids down for the nap? She said walking in. Then she walked in to the kids holding the banner. What is this.....Will you. She said reading it. Marry me. Bryce said standing behind her. What, Bryce did you planing this? She asked. I did, i'm ready to be happy Stephanie. He said. Oh, Bryce, yes, yes I will marry you. She said kissing him. Yay! All the kids and Andy screamed. By November 1989 Bryce and Stef were getting married and Andy was her maid of honor. Do you Bryce Daniel Miller take Stephanie Steinbrenner as you wife. The priest said. I do. He said. With the power vested in me in now pronounce you husband and wife kiss your bride. He said as they kissed I give you Mr. and Mrs. Miller. He said as they all cheered.

Four years after they were married, Stef discovered that she was pregnant with her and Bryce's first child. Her first born child was born August 19th 1994 she had her first born child. It's a girl. The doctor said giving her to Bryce. She perfect. He said looking at her. Hi, is the new baby here? Andy said coming in. Yes, she is. Stef said. Oh my god Stef she so beautiful. Do you guys have a name yet? Andy asked. No we were gonna name her Ashley, but Stef said no, then we wanted to name her Chloe, but Stef said no, then we wanted to name her Polly but once again Stef said no. Bryce said. Well sorry, but she's not like any of the names we picked out. She said. So her name is Baby Girl Miller. Andy said. Yeah, it looks that way. He said. Then Brand entered the room. Here we are Lily's flowers for the new mother. Brand said. Oh Lily. She said looking at her daughter. That's her name? Brand said. Yeah Lily Hope Miller. Stef said. Well that name is perfect. Andy said. Just like her godparents. She said looking at Andy and Brand. Really? They said. Yeah, your my best friend. Stef said. Of course, Brand and I will be the godparents. Andy said taking the baby from Stef.

Four years after having Lily, Stef was pregnant again. On November 1998 Stef welcome another daughter. What's her name mommy? Lily asked. Samantha Paige Miller. She said. Years had went by and Stef, Bryce, Lily and Sam we doing amazing. Stef was voted the best pediatric children's nurse in all of Organ, while Bryce was teaching at Oregon High school where his daughter was now going. And Lily was applying to college. OK, OK I don't wanna open this letter. Lily said. Lily honey, its OK just open the letter please. Stef said said as she opened it. Oh shit, I got in to San Diego State! She said as they all jumped up and down. Before Lily left for college Stef and Andy threw Lily and Amanda a graduation party. Can you believe it Stef, our girls are going off to college. Andy said. Yeah, it feels like just yesterday we sent them off the kindergarten. She said looking at Amanda and Lily. Amanda this is a lot more different than high school, we are going to be with new people, new groups and no one will know are names. Lily said. Lily calm down, look I know it's scary but think of all the fun we'll have, the party, the boys, and plus well call each other, come home and go the the parties. Amanda said. See that's why I love hanging out with you, you know what to say. She said hugging her. At the party Sam was looking at Bradley Walsh. Sam, go over and say something to him. Her friend said to her. Rachel shut up, he's a football and baseball player he won't even look my way. She said. Did you ever try? She asked. I don't know? She said. Come on, you mom and his mom are best friends, you grew up with him asked him if you wanna go for some burgers. She said. OK, here I go. She said walking up to him. Hey, Sam. Bradley said. Hey,'s it going? She asked. OK, I guess. He said. Hey, you wanna get some burgers from Mel's on Tuesday? She asked. see I don't like burgers that much but Pepperoni pizza, I could eat that all day. He said. OK, let's get some pizza. She said Sounds Great. She said walking to her friends.

In June 2017 both Amanda and Lily came home from college. Lily wanted to go out and party with Amanda but her parents made other plans that night. Why can't I go mom? Lily said. Because it's not everyday you sister in the lead in a play, and plus she really wants you to see her in it. Stef said as she rolled her eyes. Look you and Amanda came hang out all summer but you sister is in this show for two nights only. Bryce said. OK, fine let me call her. She said getting her phone to call her. Hey Mandy, listen I can't hang out tonight Sam in some stupid show......I don't know a musical I think, listen we can hang out tomorrow, lunch maybe? OK, see you then bye. She said hanging up. The next day she had no idea of knowing what happened to Amanda. Hey, morning mom, Sam, Daddy, what's for breakfast? She said sitting down. She saw Stef look upset. Mom what's wrong? She asked. Honey, Amanda was in a car accident last night. Stef said. Oh my god what, why are we still sitting here come on let go. She said trying to get ready. No, sweetie she didn't make it. Bryce said. No, no this can't be true. She said. Lily.........I should have been there with her, I had the chance to see her again but I didn't, she was my best friend, when I was alone in college I called her, when I was bored I called her, every time I just wanted someone to talk to, I call her, she was the only person I call, and she would always answer. I should have been with her, we could have stayed at the house, or walked home anything so she wouldn't have to drive home that night and get into that stupid accident that killed her. She said upset. As Stef, Bryce and Sam hugged her. 

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