Get out the tissues, cause this is Zane's POV and probably the saddest one yet

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Okay, first off, a major note to self: just because I think I'm okay doesn't mean I am. The last time I made that mistake, back in July, I nearly lost my life. But, hey, I'm not complaining. I'm alive, aren't I? To me, that's what's important. And, well, it's the second time I've cheated death, the first time being when I was in a car crash when I was thirteen. That summer day, however, I was certain I was going to die. But nothing I'd ever read on wilderness survival and first aid prepared me for the way my normal day turned upside down.

I went to Daisy Hill like I do every day, planning to take Spartan out for a nice run. It was a nice day, and I wanted to take advantage of it. Lynn passed by on her way to groom her horse as I was tacking up Spartan. I was fine up until the point she asked me if I was okay; only then did I notice how hot I felt. I shrugged it off, assuming it was just the summer heat. As my girlfriend left, a sharp pain like I'd never felt before sliced through the right side of my stomach. It was bad enough that I had to bend over, but it quickly passed. I was about to lead Spartan outside when it returned abruptly, causing me to gasp. It didn't fade as we headed outside, but I wasn't about to let a stupid stomach ache ruin my ride. Maybe I should have known better.

After half an hour, I was feeling a little better. I was enjoying the light breeze and I was letting Spartan gallop his heart out. All of a sudden, the horrid pain returned, worse than ever. I clenched my teeth and doubled over, trying not to scream and scare Spartan. I knew now that something was dreadfully wrong. The pain was so bad my breath came in ragged gasps and I could feel beads of sweat forming on my forehead and neck. I felt so hot I might as well have been on fire. I begged Spartan to go home, but he just kept going. My stomach hurt worse with every passing second, and I could no longer hold onto the reins. I couldn't even steer my own horse home. Finally, he stopped in a shaded clearing and pawed at the dirt.

Once again I told Spartan to turn around and go home. He pawed at the ground again, and I realized he was telling me to get off. Lying on the ground sounded like a great idea, considering how much pain I was in, but getting down was going to be a challenge. I knew this was going to hurt like heck. I swung my leg around and didn't even try to step down as I let myself collapse onto the forest floor with a groan. Spartan stuck his face in mine, then ran off in the direction we'd come. Lying there, I could only think of one thing – Lynn. With every last bit of energy drained from my body, I knew I was going to die if someone didn't come back with Spartan to get me home. Would my brief chat with my girlfriend this morning be the last time we saw each other? Was that the last time I would see her beautiful face or feel her love-fueled hug? I wanted to cry from utter despair, but I didn't have the strength to do that, either. I could only lie there, helpless and feeling like I were at death's door.

Things were fading out around me. I lost track of time. After what felt like an eternity, I felt someone shake my shoulder. I thought it was Lynn, but I opened my eyes and looked into the concerned face of Denae.

"My stomach really hurts," I weakly murmured. "I feel so hot. I'm dying....."

I barely felt Denae put her small hand on my forehead and I heard her gasp. "I think you've got appendicitis," she told me. I knew what that was, but I was in too much pain to care that I was going under the knife today. She urgently told me I had to get up and get back on my horse.

"I can't," I protested.

"Please, Zane!" she sobbed. "Think of Lynn. You need to do this for her."

That was all she needed to say. I summoned every last ounce of strength in my veins and sat up, letting out a feeble cry of pain as I did so. I stood up slowly, my legs threatening to give out at any moment. Denae helped me over to a rock so I could pull myself into the saddle. That in itself was more exhausting than running laps, considering the shape I was in. She offered to ride in front of me for support, but I refused at first. Then the pain ripped through my side again in a tidal wave of agony, and I couldn't sit up. Denae took one look at my sorry state and climbed onto Spartan's back in front of me. She didn't even mind the fact I was leaning heavily on her back as she commanded my horse to walk home.

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