It takes a minute, but a smile appears on her face. "Of course, Hun, how long till you plan on heading out?"

"Now, actually, I think I'm in the mood for coffee." I tell her, a grin dancing on my face.

Mom just shakes her head, opening the door back up.


"Good morning." I offer, shutting Scarlett's locker door for her.

She yawns, "Morning."

Her eyes glance around, searching for coffee and I try to hide my laugh. "Did you not sleep good?" Because she looks like she could fall asleep right here, right now.

Shaking her head, she fights another yawn. "The opposite actually, I slept so well it was difficult to wake up." 

Man, I haven't had a sleep like that in a while.

Biting her lip, she sighs. "So I take it you didn't get coffee?"

Pulling my hand out from behind my back I hold the cup in the air. "I got a large." She reaches for it, almost in a trance, and I shake my head. "Where's my payment?"

Reaching into her pocket, she holds out a five-dollar bill.

"No, that's not the payment I want."

Her smile falls, "I can go without the coffee if you want to be an ass."

That's a lie, she'll die without this caffeine.

"Sweetheart, all I want is a hug." Because she's never hugged me first and I'd like to change that.

She rolls her eyes, "You got your hug last night, remember."

I chuckle, "You mean when I got you wet?"

Again, that won't get old as long as she continues to blush like a fool every time I say it. She covers my mouth, glaring at me. "What is wrong with you?"

Absolutely nothing.

Taking the opportunity, I hug her. Making a big show of lifting her off her feet. "Was this really that bad?"

She slaps the back of my head and I set her down, the coffee snatched from my hand before I even realize it. "Thank you."



Do you want something from smoothie king?

Shouldn't you be in school?

I don't understand him at all. This is the third time this week he's texted me that. I've always said no because we aren't allowed to have off campus food, and I'd be the kid the Dean catches.

I never want to see that man again.

I get a second text.

Library at the first half of lunch?

Looking over at her, I nod my head. We had a test today, which means no talking. Checking the time, I realize I could get the smoothie right at the start of lunch if I answer now.

Yeah, bring me a strawberry banana smoothie.

I knew you'd break eventually

Rolling my eyes, I go back to my game of tic tac toe with Scarlett. He's the one paying for it.

Twenty minutes later I'm standing by the back doors, checking my watch. He's late and I'm not even supposed to be letting him in through this door.

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