How could something like this happen?

Start from the beginning

That night when I met Adrian for our dream walk, He looked like he had something on his mind.

"Hi." I gave him a cheek kiss.

"Hello beautiful" he guided me to a pond down the path from the old house. "Rose, would you do something for me, it is an odd request but I want you to see a Doctor friend of mine when we are at court this weekend."

"Is he a psychiatrist? Do you think I should be on med's like they had Lissa take?"

"I really don't think you need that. My friend is an Ob/gyn. I have known her for a very long time and I trust her. I think she is the kind of Dr you need right now."

"What? Why would I need to see that kind of Dr.?"

We stopped at some benches along a pier. He motioned for me to sit and I did, thought part of me wanted to stomp off and leave his ass alone in his dream. He took a deep breath and looked into my eyes. I got lost in the intensity of his green eyes. His face was so full love and concern, that I knew he was being serious.

"Rose, please keep an open mind. I think you are carrying Dimitri's child. You are showing several classic signs of pregnancy."

"Like what? Have you forgotten that a Dhampir cannot make babies with another Dhampir?"

"I knew you were probably going to get pissed off but that's ok, the sooner I get you looked over by a doctor the sooner we can make sure your baby is ok."

"Adrian, you really are serious. You think I am preg.... that I am going to,"

I could not bring myself to say it. What if he was right? How could it have happened, it's supposed to be impossible? I am shadow kissed, so much about me was supposed to be impossible. I could tell that Adrian really believed it could be true furthermore he is concerned for the baby, Dimitri's baby. I thought of all the things I did after the night in the cabin. So many things a pregnant woman should not do: I drank so much vodka at Dimitri's Memorial that I could not see strait. I fought Strigoi, had been thrown against walls, kicked and punched in the stomach. I was Dimitri's blood whore. I tried to kill my baby's father.

"Oh God, I am going to be sick again."

I pulled myself out of the dream and ran to my waist paper basket. My cell phone began to ring but I ignored it. A few minutes later there was a gentle knock at my door. Lissa called out.

"Rose, it's me. Please let me in."

I walked to the door, opened it and turned away. I paid no attention to the guardian at the door with her.

"I am going to stay with her for the rest of the night. You can go back to your post now. Thank you." It took a few moments to register the compulsion she used on him to get him to bring her to me after curfew.

"Rose, what's wrong? I woke up feeling you. I have never felt you get like this, it's like you are ready to explode. It' was like I felt when I would cut myself."

I took a look at her and burst into tears. She held me till I calmed down a bit. I looked at the small stash of Ginger Ale and the box of Saltine crackers I had next to my desk. (I am so fucking blind). Lissa sat patiently next to me while I thought. "I don't know how to tell you this because I am still not sure how to tell myself. I bit my lip and fiddled with my chotki while I tried to make the words come out of my mouth. "I might be pregnant."

"What? You've only been dating Adrian for 3 weeks. How could you be pregnant? Have you even slept with him yet?"

I shook my head. "Lissa I have only made love once in my life. Remember when I took your rage after the Mana club initiation? I took your rage and went nuts, I couldn't let it go. Then Dimitri took me away so I wouldn't kill Jessie Zekloz. He helped me let go of the rage by letting his guard down and showing me how much he loved me, how worried he was about me. When we could not deny our feelings any more, we made love."

"Dimitri was a Dhampir, you're a Dhampir too, and there is no way you could have gotten pregnant from him." Lissa looked as confused as I felt.

"Liss, I am shadow kissed. When you saved my life I had internal injuries. What if you when you healed everything ells you also healed my ability to breed with a Dhampir?"

Lissa called Adrian to let him know that she was with me. Then she and I spent some time discussing the possibility. In all honesty, Adrian was right. Everything seemed to fit; my moodiness, the eating, getting sick every few days and feeling so tired all the time. After Lissa had drifted off to sleep I went to the mirror, I pulled my clothes off and examined my body. I was still slender but my curves seemed a bit curvier I could see lines in my shoulders from my bra straps. I was shocked by my breast, they were bigger. I would say almost a whole cup size. I saved my belly for last. I was still quite slim and muscular. There low on my belly was a small bump. It was barely there I would probably never have notice it even while showering. I was more afraid than I had ever been in my life but I was also happier than ever before. I changed into my pajamas and cried myself to sleep.

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