Gowther x Reader

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I walk into a tavern called The Boar Hat, and considering how packed it is, something happened. I look over to see three beautiful women in... very... revealing... outfits. "Alright! So you guys will sing and dance as The Boar Hat poster girls!" A short blonde, I believe to be the owner, grins. "Captain, you haven't included me into this routine, right?" The black haired poster girl laughed. "Well of course! You are a poster girl!" The Captain smiled. "I quit." The black haired poster girl stated, and walked out the door. "Easy come, easy go." The Captain sighs. Then a cute pink haired boy comes out in the same outfit... and says,"Gowther has arrived!" "Denied." The Captain sighs. I  as I get up from my table, "Hey, I'll be one of the poster girls. If you need one of course." I blurt, and then the whole tavern turns to me. "Okay! Fine with me!" The Captain grins once more, "Here, go put on this uniform." "Uh... okay." I grab the uniform the other girls, and guy... were wearing and go to the bathroom to change.
*time skip to closing bc I don't wanna write this part*
(Btw you know their names now)
As the last customers left, I plopped myself down into a chair. "Since we're a moving tavern, you have to stay with us!" Meliodas smiles happily at me, "You'll room with Gowther!" I felt a blush smack itself onto my face and managed to say,"B-but h-he's the sin of l-" "No worries (Y/N)! I'll just do what I do with Captain Perv!" Hawk answered while bringing a rope. (Please don't ask where I got Captain Perv at, I have no idea.) Feeling reassured, I walked to my new room with Gowther right beside me. Little did he know... Hawk was right behind him with the rope. "Hey Hawk... do you or anyone else have any spare pjs?" I ask, while yawning. "I have spare sleepwear, you may use mine." Gowther all of a sudden blurted. "Okay, I'll change in the bathroom. Gowther, please don't go in there." I accept the offer, not looking at the pink haired male as I grab one of his pjs. There was an awkward silence as I walk towards the bathroom and close the door. "That was awkward... really awkward. But Gowther is kinda cute in his own way. wAiT. NONONONONONO HE CAN READ MIIIINNNDDSSSS!!!!!!" I internally screamed at myself for not remembering that sooner. "For your information, that was loud and clear." Gowther spoke in a monotone tone through the door. While internally screaming, I debate life and all of the choices I have made to get to where I am now.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N) WAKE UP!" A familiar voice shouted. "M-mom? Why does it smell like smoke?" I asked while rubbing my eyes. "A holy knight attacked our house! We need to get out while the others are trying to put out the fire!" Mom panicked, I never have seen her panic before. She's usually so calm and kind, but she's panicky and crying now. I turn to face the bedroom door to find it burning, "MOMMY! THE DOOR IS BURNING!" I screamed. We quickly scrambled to the window, and my Mom told me to jump. "Mommy! I'm scared! I don't like heights!" I wailed. "Shh baby it's going to be okay." My mom soothed me, she stopped for a second to turn around. Her eyes were wide with fear as she pushed me out of the window, "I love you (Y/N)..." were the last words I heard from her. As I was falling, the house was swallowed by flames, and the screams of the people inside. "MAMA!" I cried while falling down from the second story.
(Flashback over, that made me sad😭)
I get up from the floor, to see a worried Gowther. "(Y/N)! You're okay! I thought.." Gowther pauses. "S-s-sor-sorry. I.." I stumble on my words as I try to come up with a good lie. "I saw it. I saw your memory as it was playing in your mind." Gowther looked away as he said this. "G-Gowther? I have a question.." I mumble. "Go ahead, I'm listening." Gowther listens patiently. "W-well... are you okay? You're supposed to be emotionless..." I ask, concerned. "You see, I've been hiding my emotions because if Merlin noticed I had them back she would... she would keep me by her side everywhere and erase my emotions and memories again." Gowther answered with a sad look on his face. I sit there in shock, unable to process this information. "Why? She said it was because if I had my memories I would "go back to the Ten Commandments" and if I had my emotions I would "erase people's memories when I lose my cool." I don't get it..." Gowther looked down sadly. "I understand her, but it isn't right." I give the poor guy a hug, and he surprisingly hugs back. "(Y/N), can you answer a question for me?" Gowther asks me plainly. "S-sure!" I reply with a smile. "Well.. since I've met you.. every time I see you I get this tingling feeling in my stomach and I-" Gowther was interrupted by me leaning in and closing the space between us. For a few seconds he was shocked, but he soon melted into the kiss. We soon parted because we needed (you know it's coming) THE THING WE NEED TO LIVE CALLED AIR, BUT WE HAAAAAAVVVEE TO HAVE IT LIKE EVERY MINUTE!!! (I plan to call air stupid for EVERY CHAPTER! MWEHEHEHHE)
While heavily panting, as if I ran a marathon, I softly whisper to Gowther, "That's called love sweetheart."
IM SORRY FOR NOT POSTING FOR 2 DAYS! I TOTALLY FORGOT AND PLUS I WAS BUSYYY! (We're moving into a new house rn! UwU) Anyways, if you have any requests I'd be glad to do them! And I can redo some too (as long as it's asked for.) Anyways, I'm up late making this soooo... BAI! (To be precise it's 1:02AM)
Word Count: 1042 words

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