Gloxinia x Reader

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Key: (Y/N) = your name, (Y/G) = your gender, (F/C) = favorite color, (M/H/C) = most hated color,
(H/L) = hair length, (H/C) = Hair color,
(E/C) = eye color

(Third person POV)
(Y/N) ran through the Fairy King's forest blindly as tears streamed down her face like a waterfall. The dark night was not helping her vision, as it was already blurred. She stepped in a hole and fell, rolling down the massive hill.
(Your POV)
"ARGH! ACK! OW!" I screamed in pain as I rolled down the hill. "I hear you (Y/N) What's wrong?~" A familiar voice sang. "STAY AWAY FROM ME!" I yelled back. I quickly got up, despite my injuries, and limped. "Aww, is the puppy hurt?~" the voice laughed mockingly. "Good night sweetheart." was the last thing I heard before darkness clouded my view.
I woke up to find the Ten Commandments staring at me hungrily. I tried scanning their faces for any emotion that I could possibly read, but there was none. I turned my head to the left then to the right, the room was (M/H/C). Then I regained my sense of smell, I automatically wanted to vomit. The room reeked of blood, sweat, and other indescribable smells that were absolutely disgusting. I tried moving around, but I was chained to the ground. "Why am I here?" I asked sternly. "Well (Y/N), we all have mates as you know. And you are one of our mates." Zeldris answered coldly. "Brother, we should let her free." Estarossa calmly said. "No." Zeldris spat, "but I am curious why you want her free." "You see brother, I wanna have her try to figure out who her mate is. It would be quite entertaining." Estarossa smirked. Zeldris's eyes widened, so did his smirk. "Okay fine, only because that sounds VERY entertaining.~" Zeldris spoke, then walked out of the room. I quickly realize that Zeldris was the one who was chasing me. "She looks like a fun toy." Melascula licked her lips, "If you get your mate wrong, I'll eat your soul." "This will be quite interesting." Drole pondered. Zeldris popped his head back into the room,"Oh, and you have a day to figure out who your mate is. Starting tomorrow." Zeldris opened the door wider, "Everyone, out. We need to let our guest get some rest." Zeldris walked over to you as everyone left. "These chains must be uncomfortable." Zeldris unchained me, and walked towards the door. "Zeldris, may I please speak to our guest?" Gloxinia asked Zeldris in a polite manner. "Okay, go ahead." Zeldris nodded and stayed in the room. "I meant alone." Gloxinia corrected himself. "Makes sense, be done in ten." Zeldris walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him. "Stand up." Gloxinia commanded, and I did as I was told. "Good girl," Gloxinia smiled," I will say this, only one of us is your mate. The others that aren't your mate will eat your soul if you choose them instead of your mate. They will all try to woo you into believing they are your mate, but I suggest you follow your heart for the best outcome." Gloxinia smiled even wider. "Stay safe, okay?"Gloxinia mumbled. You felt a blush come to your face. "Gah! Why am I blushing? He could just be trying to woo me like the others!" I thought. "Well I gotta go, Zeldris's orders," Gloxinia sighed, "See you tomorrow (Y/N)." I wanted to yell "Please stay! Don't go!" but all I could manage was a,"Bye Gloxinia, good night." What just came over me?! Ugh, what is this feeling?! No! I can't! They kidnapped me for God's sake! I can't fall for ANYONE! No matter how nice they are! But I can dream about it... I'll do that!
(The next day)
"Mmm... what a sucky dream" I groaned as I sat up. "Like what voodoo would make me obey anyone?" I laughed as I rubbed my eyes. After my eyes felt better I opened them to see the Ten Commandments in my room, and on the verge of laughter. "OH SHET" I thought. "Now now (Y/N) no need to curse, even in your mind." Drole sighed. "UHM... so why are you guys in my room?" I ask awkwardly. "We were wondering if you wanted to spend an hour each with us?" Zeldris responded stone faced. "Okay sure! Who am I going to spend it with first?" I ask happily. "Me" says a voice, as I turn to face Melascula. This will be a long day.
*Time skip given to you bc I'm lazy*
Time for the last person... let's see.. I've been through Melascula, Drole, Grayroad, Derieri, Monspite, Estarossa, Fraudrin, Galand, and just got done with Zeldris. So that means... "Hey (Y/N), guess I'm the last with you." I heard from behind. I start getting nervous as I feel a blush creep up onto my cheeks. "Aw, not even a hello back? Do I mean nothing to you?" Gloxinia pouts. "N-no! It's just that... I uh.." I stutter as I try to come up with a believable lie. "Don't lie to me~" Gloxinia floats over to where I can see him and lifts up my chin to connect our gazes. "You know that I can read minds, right?" Gloxinia asked teasingly. "OH GOD! HE KNOWS? IM DEAD! CRAP! HE'S READING MY MIND NOW!" I screamed in my head. Gloxinia smirks at my adorableness, and leans forward. I feel a soft warmth on my lips, just to notice Gloxinia is kissing me. My heart flutters as I gasp, and then melting into the kiss. We break away from each other because we need STUPID AIR! Zeldris kicked open the door with a loud BANG! "(Y/N), you have an hour to figure out who is your mate. Starting now." Zeldris said in a odd voice, "Come Gloxinia, we should leave her alone." "Yes sir.." Gloxinia obeys hesitantly. When I hear the door shut, I  start debating on who is my mate. I ended up coming down to two people, Zeldris and Gloxinia. "GAH! I DON'T KNOW! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW?!" I thought violently. "I suggest you follow your heart for the best outcome." Gloxinia's voice echoed in my head. "Okay, I know exactly who it is now." I mumbled. I get up on my feet and walk to the door. I grab the door handle, "Hey guys I've deci-" WACK! I feel an enormous pain in my nose, just to realize I'm bleeding. "(Y/N)!" Gloxinia yells in worry. "Spirit Spear Basquias! 7th configuration! Moonrose Droplet of Life!"
I feel a warmth that consumes my whole body, I feel light and brand new. "Mmph.. what happened?" I ask Gloxinia. "Zeldris here wacked you in the face with the door." Gloxinia answers, turning to glare daggers at Zeldris. "Have you figured it out?" Derieri asks me. "Yes." I reply quickly, "and I'm pretty sure I am right." "Who do you think it is?" Monspite asks me. "Here... I'll just show you." I smile as I rush over to Gloxinia and kiss him. Gloxinia looks surprised, but quickly kisses back. "You are correct sweetheart." Gloxinia smiles back at me. He picks me up bridal style and I nuzzle into his warm chest as we fly up to see the stars. "I love you (Y/N)" Gloxinia says and kisses me on the forehead. "I love you too Gloxinia." I giggle and slowly drift off to dreamland in his arms.
The End

1261 Words... oh wow dude. Btw this is my first story on here! UwU
Hope you enjoyed! And comment some requests (lemons can be asked for, but they may not be the best) See you in the next chapter

The Ten Commandments/Seven Deadly Sins Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن