Eleven years later...

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11 Years Later


"I don't want to get bledy fostered!" I screamed out at my social worker, Jack. We were currently in the office of my care home, Stoney Meadow, and the jackass has assigned me to a foster family. Which I don't want.

"It is for your own good, Evelynn." He said in that deep voice of his.

"How the fuck is it for my own good? I've been fostered nine times and every single one of them have brought me back to this dump. So do me a favour, tell them that they're not wanted." I stormed out of the office and ran upstairs, I need to get away from everything before I hurt someone. When I reached my bedroom that I share with Lex (my best mate in this dump), I went through all of my drawers; trying to find them.

"Where the fuck are they?" I mumbled under my breath as I searched through my underwear drawer. I turned around and went to my bedside table, I ripped the door open and dug through all the clutter that has piled up in there over the years. Once I saw the silver box, I grabbed it and sat on my bed. I opened it and grabbed one of the killing machine sticks. I flicked the lighter and brought the cigarette up to my lips. Once it was light I took a puff of it, I held it on for a couple seconds before letting the smoke escape through my lips.

I know, I know; a fourteen year old girl is smoking. Get the fuck over it and calm your tits will you? Mike and Gina went mental when they found out, yet again I was twelve back then. I only really have one when I'm stressed, it calms me so I won't have to hurt myself or someone else. And by hurt myself, yes yes, I mean selfharm. And don't start fucking lecturing me about how stupid I am. I know I'm stupid; but it's my body, I can do what I want with it. And when people say no I can't, it's like saying to someone that you can't get a tattoo.

"Lynn, babes." I looked to the doorway and saw Gina stood there, with two mugs with hot drinks in them;  Lynn's my name for Gina, I only let her call me it; she has been there for me  while I've been growing up. Mike has been there for me too, but there's just some things that only Gina could be there for me.

I watched as she came over to my bed and sat down beside me. I brought the fag up to my lips and took another puff.

"I know your stressed, babes." Stressed is an understatement. I rolled my eyes as she carried on "But he's just doing what he thinks is best for you."

"So he thinks sending me off to some snotty adults, getting my hopes up that they might actually like me and keep me as their foster daughter; then have my heart broken when they bring me back here is good for me? Well I'd hate to see what he thinks would be fucking bad." Another puff. I took the empty 7UP can and tipped some ash into it."I know that you've been hurt in the past, Lynn, but these boys they really are gonna love ya."


"Yes boys, well; the eldest is twenty and he's the one that's fostering you, but you're gonna be with all of them." They better not be fucking pedo's or I'm suing Jack. 

"How many of them is there?" Don't say that there is, like, ten pedo's that I've got to live with.

"Four." Thank the fucking lord almighty. Ouch! I looked down at my legs (I was wearing shorts), some of the ash from my cigarette had dropped onto my leg. I grabbed the can and scooted the ash into it, stubbing my fag out and dropping it in there as well.

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