A New Year! A Fresh Season! A High Chance!

Start from the beginning

"And I got the cake!" Asahi pointed out

"It's officially a new year for everybody but it's also your birthday" Nanami grinned "how rare is that"

"I never even told you guys my birthday..."

"That's what sisters are for" Akina smirked "and now-" immediately, she began to give her playful punches


"-15... 16... 17! There! 17 punches because now you're 17!"

In fits of laughter, they sliced the cake and happily ate. Forgetting about the cold, they felt warm as they snuggled together. Yukine was feeling sleepy so she lay on Ryousuke who patted her head gently. The night sky was clear and filled with stars. A bunch of tiny specs of light that covered the darkness.

"What's all of your new year resolutions?" Asahi wondered "mine is to get better at music so that Akina and Izumi would stop bothering me"

"Gee, good plan" Akina laughed "I guess mine is to... try and learn a new instrument, like the cello or something"

"I want to eat chocolate!" Yukine yelled sleepily causing everyone to burst out laughing

"New year resolutions..." Nanami mumbled to herself "I've never actually thought about it before..."

"What exactly is it?" Rana asked

"They're promises I guess" Asahi replied

"Mhm!" Akina nodded "it's your goal for the year basically"

"Goals you set for yourself, it's a promise to be better" Shirana stated

"Ah..." Rana nodded "it does require a lot of thought"

"Mine is to become a better princess!" Hanami grinned

"Don't worry! That'll be easy because you're already an amazing princess!" Sakura winked

From talking about their new year resolutions to simply plans for the future, they suddenly became quite solemn.

"You know..." Nanami said quietly "I will have to return to Chanzon because I'm the guardian and I'm sure the others will have to too..."

"Aw man..." Rana mumbled "I didn't want to talk about that"

"We've finished our mission here and Chanzon is safe again... the King and Queen have already discussed about the Duke and Duchess and all the nacharms are safely back in the tower..."

Looking down at the ground, they finally felt the cold breeze blow past them. Shivering, they stood up to get ready to leave.

"We'll be staying for the next week but then we'll have to say our goodbyes" Nanami gave a sad smile

"We've still got a few days!" Asahi said trying to brighten the mood

Kazuki carried Yukine who had fallen asleep "indeed, now let's go... it's really late"

The next few days, nothing stopped them. They spent every last moments they could with each other. Sir. Luminous explained to the Kousen family that he had to return to Chanzon because he worked for the Queen. So the Kousen family had gone on a family trip at a ski resort, taking along Rana who wanted to hang out with Asahi. Meanwhile, Sakura, Nanami and Spring hung out everyday from shopping to just having sleepovers. Yukine wanted to go ice skating so the Suzuno sisters and Kazuki brought her to an ice skating rink where she never wanted to leave.

Nobody wanted to time to keep going and just wanted it to stop. Reminiscing over the events from last year, it was going to be strange to not see their fairy partners. After all, they saw them every single day. The very moment they wake up, school, hanging out and even when they sleep. Sakura gained a new sister and she didn't want her to leave yet. Asahi loved having a grandfather around and she knew it would be weird for him to be gone. It felt as if life would return to it's boring ways from before they met them.

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