Anime: The Growing Addiction

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It was just a "normal" day at the Phantomhive manor. Everyone doing their daily ruitine, for the exception of Hannah. The fangirl was currently binge watching some of her favorite animes in the comfort of her room, or was she?


Sebastain on the other hand was quite calm at the moment. Not having Hannah to keep an eye on was amazing. He finally had time to tend his roses. As he worked on the roses making sure to get the dead ones out, he had a tingly sensation run up his spine. The butler just ignored it but that clearly was his mistake. "SIE SIND DAS ESSEN UND WIR SIND DIE JÄGER!" Hannah screamed.

The butler turned too late, "HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!" He was tackled to the ground by the fangirl. "Sebby I thought you were a Satanist?" Hannah questioned. "I'm thinking about converting." he grumbled. Hannah hopped off of him and sassily put her hands on her hips. Sebastain just stood and walked away. "Don't you walk away from this sexy ass!!" Hannah yelled.

She huffed in aggravation and walked off to do who knows what.


William was currently walking towards the Phabtomhive manor to speak with the demon butler. Grell was there, again. He knocked on the door and waited. Sebastain opened it and greeted the reaper but not long after there was a yell heard. "KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE!!" Hannah yelled while shoving Sebastain into William making them kiss. She then ran off leaving the two inhuman beings pissed and flustered. When William came out of it he fixed his glasses and yelled, "You annoying human get your ass back here!"


Alois was currently in the kitchen with Claude waiting for his buttered toast to be made. He stood from his seat on the counter and picked up the butter container. "I can't believe this shit ain't butter!" he sayed astonished. "Your highness I think it would be best if you-" Claude said before being cut off by a tackle to the floor. "Believe it!!!!!" Hannah yelled sassily. Alois smiled and shoved his hand into the butter and ate a handful. "Yum"


Everyone was searching for Hannah. They have had enough of her randomnes for one day. They told Grell to help and with a lil persuassion, (coughBassycough) he left the mansion. Hannah on the other hand was in the woods running around... in her bathing suit. She kept making weird whale noises as she went. She stopped when she ran into Grell. "By heavens go put some clothes on." Grell demanded. Hannah just looked at him then glared. She pointed a finger than let loose a war cry, "I follow my own path, no matter what anyone else says!"

Hannah than made a break for it. She made her way to Lao's place and rushed into his office. " Let me hide." Hannah wheezed. He nodded and motioned to the pace under his desk. Hannah hid there and waited. Not a minute to soon cause everyone entered and asked where she was. Hannah leaped out, grabbed Lao and threw him to the mob screaming, "I choose you China!"

It failed and she was taken home. Plus had her laptop confescated till further notice.

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