Menstration Talk

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Hannah and Ciel were playing chess in the drawing room. It really wasn't Hannah's choice though. Ciel told her if she didn't then he'd make her go shopping with Elizabeth again. The problem was, Hannah didn't know how to play. So at the moment Ciel is trying to teach her.

"You can't move that piece in that direction." Ciel said irritated.


She stood and ran from the room. Ciel just sat there completely shocked. Hannah was never this...mean. He sat there for a few minutes pondering what could be wrong with her. Ciel was clueless. So he just stood and went to his office to complete some paperwork.

Hannah as soon as she left the drawing room headed straight for her room and jumped onto the bed. She then started crying because she was a complete failure when it came to chess.

"I'll never get that stupid game." Hannah mumbled.

She then decided to take a nap to calm down.

Sebastian was in the kitchen preparing dinner when he smelled blood. He then stopped what he was doing and ran to his master, figuring he was hurt.

Once he got to his bocchan's office he looked confused.

"Bocchan are you hurt?" Sebastian asked.

"Of course not. Unless you count the mental pain from doing this paperwork. Why?" Ciel groaned.

Before Sebastian could respond a ear-piercing scream sounded through the manner. Everyone stopped what they were doing and ran to Hannah.

Once in her room they seen Hannah clutching her stomach in pain. They then noticed the blood on the sheets. Sebastian then realized what was wrong and Mey-Rin did too.

"Mey-Rin, go get the "stuff". Finny get some new sheets, Bard get some pain killers." Sebastian ordered.

"Yes Mr. Sebastian!" they responded and quickly set off to get everything.

"Sebastian what's wrong with her?" Ciel asked.

"Wait Ciel never got the talk didn't he? HAHAHAHHAHAHA-AHK!" Hannah laughed till a sharp pain stopped her.

The others got back with the supplies and quickly set to work. Sebastian and Mey-Rin took and to the bathroom. Sebastian left after setting Hannah in a chair.

He then made his way back to his young master who still hasn't left her room. Along the way he seen Finny crying.

"Finny what are you crying about?" Sebastian asked.

"Well I just don't like seeing Hannah in pain like that." he cried.

"She'll be fine. It's just a normal thing women go through normally from 13 years old to 50 years old." Sebastian informed.

Finny stopped crying and ran out of the manor. He knew what he had to get for her.

Sebastian, without further interruptions, got back to Hannah's room to see a very creeped out Ciel. He placed his hand on his bocchan's left shoulder which made Ciel startled. He turned with wide eyes and was completely speechless.

"Funny how a little blood due to a girl on her period can startle the Queen's guard dog." Sebastian thought.

"Miss Hannah will explain later until then go to your office and get some paperwork done bocchan. I will bring your lunch later." Sebastian stated.

Hannah was helped into the bath by Mei-Rin. The pain was too much for her to handle at the moment. Once in she relaxed a little and cleaned up quickly since the water was cold.

Once the bath was done and she had gotten into some pajamas, she headed back to her room. In her way there she seen Ciel's office door open and tried to sneer past until a way of pain hit her.

"Fuck! My Ovaries are exploding!" Hannah cried.

Ciel ran from his office to see Hannah on the floor crying. He sighed, picked her up and carried her to her room. She was letting out small whimpers of pain and sometimes even pained groans.

Once there he placed her on the bed, then crossed his arms.

"Explain. Now." he ordered.

"Well girls once a month have a visit from the she-demon Mother Nature. She brings a little gift for each girl starting usually at 13 years old, once a month till the age of 50. Unless she gets pregnant, in which the gifts won't come for 9 months. The gift is Satan's waterfall. It unleashes pain and suffering for a week then goes away. Sadly, no one is safe from the suffering of the waterfall." Hannah explained.

Ciel stood there terrified, disgusted and confused. He just patted my head and walked out with that funny look on his face. I really should've explained better, oh well.

Hannah took her medicine and layed down. She was about to fall asleep till Finny rushed into the room with something in his hands.

"Hannah I got these for you! That way you'll feel better!" he smiled.

He handed her a bag of chocolate covered strawberries. Yum! Hannah hugged him and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"You're such a sweetie." Hannah beamed.

Hannah layed them on my nightstand and layed back down. She curled into a ball and fell asleep.

A week passed and everything was back to normal. . . somewhat. Hannah wa back to her crazy fangirl self but Ciel was traumatized and would be for another 2 week.

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