Operation: Make Claude Smile

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"Alois!!!" Hannah yelled impatiently. She was very eager to share this idea with Alois. Speaking of the blonde he was now skipping down the hall to Hannah. "Ally Ally Alois!!" Hannah sang, "What, what, what?!" Alois asked excitedly. "I has a plan!" Hannah cheered. Alois grabbed Hannah by the shoulders and shook her, "COME ON WOMAN SPIT IT OUT!!" he yelled.

Hannah laughed and hugged Alois, "Ok teddy I will tell you." "Yay!" Alois cheered. Hannah explained every detail to her fabulous plan. "And that's how we will do it!" Hannah cheered. Alois grabbed her hand and pulled her along to his room.

"So we will have a party of our closest friends. We will invite Ciel, Elizabeth, Undertaker, Grell, William, Mey-Rin, Finny, Bard, Tanaka, and the main event...SEBBY!" Hannah squeed. "Yeah we will say it's a game!" Alois smiled. "And we all know how Ciel loves games." Hannah grinned. "So you'll go invite them while I get set up here." Alois smiled. "Yep so I will see you later teddy." Hannah laughed.

Hannah spead out of the manor and toward the Phantomhive manor.


Hannah knocked on the giant doors of the manor and waited. The door opened and it revealed Sebastain. "SEBBY! I NEED TO SEE CIEL!" Hannah informed. "Why is that Ms. Hannah?" he smirked. "I need to ask him about something. IT'S URGENT DAMN IT!" Hannah yelled. Sebastain allowed her to enter and as soon as he did she ran into his office.

"CIEL I HAVE A QUESTION!" Hannah beamed as she walked towards his desk. "Well spit it out Hannah!" he groaned annoyed. "Well for one I am NOT sorry for bothering you. Two I am inviting you over to play a game with Alois, the others and I. Mey-Rin, Finny, Bard and Tanaka are invited as well." Hannah smiled. Ciel went from annoyed to intrigued in seconds.

"Ok we will go. At what time should we arrive?" he asked amused. "At 6:00 pm. Oh and might I tell you that it will be fun." Hannah chuckled. She then used her fangirl powers to tell him her and Alois' plan. "SEBASTAIN!" he yelled. Sebastain entered and bowed, "Yes bocchan?" "Please clear out schedule for this evening. We are attending a party." Ciel commanded. "Yes my lord." Sebastain answered as he set off to fulfill his orders.

Hannah bowed and ran to invite the others.


"Claude!!!" Alois yelled. His butler ran in a bowed. "I want you and the others to decorate for a party. Hannah already went to invite everyone. And please all of you will be attending too." he ordered. Claude bowed again, "Yes, your highness." Claude left the room leaving a smirking Alois.


After 6 hours Hannah invited everyone. She already arrived back home. She only had one hour to change. "Hmmm what to wear?" she pondered. "How about a pair of black jeans, a purple vest with a black tie?" Alois asked while holding the exact outfit. "Oh how I love my teddy!" Hannah smiled while giving Alois a big hug.

"Yes now get dressed!" Alois demanded. "Yes your highness!" Hannah mocked. Hannah grabbed the outfit and paused. "Um Alois, what are you gonna wear?" Hannah questioned. "The same outfit as you just switching the colors." he smirked. Hannah nodded and pushed him out if her room.

"Ok time to fight my clothes. " Hannah sighed. She quickly but awkwardly put everything on and looked in the mirror. "Mmmmm I look kawaii as fuck." Hannah smirked. "Haha not as much a yours truly." Alois smirked while giving a wink. "TEDDY THEY'LL BE HERE IN LIKE TWO MINUTES GET US DOWNSTAIRS!" Hannah whined. Alois shook his head and turned around. Hannah laughed internally and jumped onto his back.

"Onward my trusty teddy!" Hannah war cried. Alois ran down the halls and into the main area of his manor. Just in time to welcome everyone. "Hey everyone!" Hannah and Alois grinned. Ciel smirked darkly and replied, "Hello Simmons, Trancy." Hannah poubted, "Ciel don't call me by my last name." Everyone laughed and headed into the dining room. Hannah ushered for everyone to sit and took and shared the seat with Alois.

"Ms. Hannah why are you not in your own seat?" Sebastain asked curiously. "Curiosity killed the demon." Hannah smirked while sticking out her tongue, "But if you really must know, it's because Alois and I have dubbed each other family." Everyone made the ^o^ face. "After dinner we will be playing a game of Treasure Hunt!! We will split into 2 groups and search for the 4 items." Alois smiled. "The items are a black rose, a old love letter, a silver candlestick and a painting of a girl with her teddy. You'll have one hour." Hannah added.

"But there is one teeny tiny thing we should mention. Everyone will be wearing these bracelets. They help sense if something is wrong with the wearer." Alois chuckled. "Ok but what's the point if wearing them?" Ciel asked. "Well say someone breaks a limb. It will alert me of who is hurt on this device I have. I will then come to your aid." Hannah answered. By then everyone finished eating.

"Ok here are the teams. Everyone except Alois, Ciel , Sebastain and I will be on a team. Ready...Start!!" Hannah cheered. Everyone sprinted into many directions. Sadly Sebastain didn't know he was drugged. They found the items and started walking to the ballroom. Suddenly Sebastain collapsed. "Hehe ready guys?" Hannah smirked evilly. Ciel an Alois nodded and helped Hannah pick up the demon. They then teleported thanks to Hannah to the ballroom.


"Ok we are now done. I believe this will trully get Claude to smile." Hannah laughed. They all agreed on keeping the lights off until they heard the others. After 10 minutes they heard the sound of footsteps and the door opening. "WHY THE HELL IS THE LIGHT OFF!!" Bard boomed. Suddenly the lights came on and everyone went silent. "Introducing Demon in Drag!!!" Alois cheered crazily.

Every laughed so hard they all looked like mentally challenged seals on the floors. "Oh my HAHAHAHAHA!!!" Claude cackled. He was smiling and laughing. "YES!!!! OPERATION: MAKE CLAUDE SMILE WAS A SUCCESS!!!" Hannah cheered.

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