Sebastain's Dirty Little Secret

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Hannah was wondering around the halls of Ciel's manor and well she's bored. "Ugh damn there's nothing to do." Hannah groaned. "Ms. Hannah why are you walking around in the halls? Shouldn't you be watching anime?" Sebastain asked as he was walking her way. "I already did that. I have nothing to do except whine." Hannah sighed. Sebastain knelt at her level and smiled.

"Why you smiling? It's creepy." Hannah cringed. "Well I have a suggestion on what you could do." he chuckled. "And that would be?" Hannah asked curiously. "Well if you watch bocchan for a day I will give you something as a reward." he answered. Hannah pondered her decision and then gave the butler the look. "I'm intrigued. Now what exactly is in it for me Sebs?" Hannah questioned.

The butler stood and straightened his coat. "I will by you 12 cans of Monster." he replied with a smirk. "YES! It's a deal!" Hannah squeed. "Now remember to follow this list of things to do. They must be done properly. Oh and obey bocchan's orders." Sebastan smirked. Hannah just brushed it of and set to work. "First I gotta go see the prick." Hannah cheered. She skipped into his office.

"BOCCHAN!!!" Hannah yelled. Ciel who was currently napping, jolted awake and fell out of his chair. "WHAT THE HELL?!" he yelled. Hannah walked over and bent over to look at him. "Sebs said that if I watched you for a day he'd buy me Monster Energy drinks. So here I am." Hannah smiled. Ciel grumbled but stood up. "Alright well complete his list of chores he gave you I will ring this bell when I need you." Ciel commanded. "Yes my lord." Hannah chuckled as she bowed.

Hannah ran down the halls and into the kitchen. She quickly made Ceil's lunch within an hours time and took it upstairs to him. She then proceeded to wonder the halls cleaning random objects. She then stopped and took a break. "I wonder what Sebs is doing." Hannah wondered. She then got this crazy idea. Hannah bolted into Met-Rin's room and smiled. "Mey-Rin have you ever been curious as to what Sebs does in his spare time?" Hannah asked.

"Um y-yes Ms. Hannah I have." Mey-Rin answered with a blush. "Wanna join me in finding out?" Hannah grinned. Mey-Rin nodded and followed Hannah to Ciel's office. "Bocchan!! I have a proposition for you!!" Hannah cheered. "Ugh what is it?" he groaned. "You wanna find out what Sebs does in his spare time?" Hannah smiled. Ciel pondered the thought and smirked, "If you are able to get visual evidence of what he does, I'll give you double the amount of Monsters he is giving you."

Hannah jumped into the air then did her happy dance. "Time to use my fangirl powers." Hannah grinned cheekily. She cloaked herself and her scent so Sebastain couldn't sense her. She whispered her plan to Mey-Rin. They both headed to Sebastain's room and Mey-Rin knocked on his door. He answered the door and sighed, "What is it Mey-Rin?" "Well Ms. Hannah is really busy right now so I could not get her for the young master. Um and he asked that you go run some errands. He's having Ms. Lizzy over for dinner." Mey-Rin smiled shyly.

Sebastain sighed, "Alright I'll get right to it. Tell Ms. Hannah and the young master where I am." Mey-Rin nodded and scurried away. Hannah waited for Sebastain to open his door. She then crawled along the walls and into his room. "Ok now all I half to do is wait." Hannah thought with a smirk.

*1 hour later*

Hannah has been waiting eagerly to find out his secret. Finally her wait was over and she quickly silenced herself. He came in a took his shirt off. Hannah had to restrain the nosebleed as she pressed record on her phone. Sebastain moved over to his iPhone and pressed play on it. I wonder what he's playing? Hannah thought curiously. Then the all to familiar tune started playing. "I'm bringing sexyback...them other boys don't know how to act." Sebastain sang. Hannah grinned evilly and finally finished recording what she needed to.

She sent the video to her email and made her presence known. She made it look like she just walked in. "Hey Sebs!" Hannah grinned. He turned around and looked at her in utter shock. "What?! How long have you-" he said before Hannah cut him off. "Been here? A few minutes actually. Hehe just doing something for bocchan. Oh and I got that little act on video. Ta ta" Hannah said before sprinting from the room.

Sebastain chased her a quickly snatched her phone. He deleted the video and threw the phone back to her. He smirked and walked away. She just chuckled and ran as fast as possible into Ciel's office. "Bocchan I has the evidence!!" Hannah squeed. "Well show it to me." Ciel urged. Hannah logged into Ciel's computer and into her email. "Sebastain!!" Ciel yelled. The butler barged in and seen Hanna and Ciel smirking.

"Yes bocchan?" he asked. "Come watch this with us." Ciel smirked. Sebastain did and nearly died seeing it. "I didn't know you liked Justin Timberlake?" Ciel chuckled. "I didn't think he'd actually dance and sing to this music at all" Hannah laughed. Sebastain just left the room.

The moral of this story....don't trust your bocchan with a fangirl.

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