- Don't We Count As Twins In Another Reality? (Original) -

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An interaction from two characters I created for an ARG.
Words: 500
!Warnings: Bugs, description of a panic attack, knives & blood!


A door was slammed against the wall, and steps echoed above. Angry huffs could be heard. My hands clawed again the trapdoor above me. My throat felt raspy, shallow quick breaths leaving me. I had to save up on air. I knew he could leave me here for hours on end if he ever so pleased. I would wake up not remembering ever falling asleep, and then pass out again, until my pained breaths drove him insane. But can you make an insane person go more insane?
"I just don't see it." There was a hint of desperation in his voice. Had they finally listened to me? Were they stopping?
"What is so fucking special about you?" He sat down at the desk, the floor creaking at the weight. "Because I really can't see it."
I didn't blame him. I couldn't see it either. Definitely not in this moment. Mud all over me, bruises and scratches all over my neck. The counter on the side of my stomach had yet to heal. Three marks in one day since one of them didn't listen to his rules. His rules in this wicked game for attention.
No matter how much attention he got, he would never be satisfied. Craving more, even though it never gave him anything. I had stopped feeling bad for him the moment he put his knife in me. He didn't deserve anyone to feel bad for him after everything he had done.
No matter how much love we gave him, all he was ever able to feel was pain and misery. And he was slowly breaking me into the same.
The floor creaked again as he rose from the chair, now pacing back and forth. He was mumbling to himself.
Whenever he walked over me, tiny puffs of air entered the hole. I frantically moved my head to the tiny gap between floor and trapdoor. Desperate attempts for oxygen. My blurry vision slowly coming back and seeing the eyes of a million bugs in the dirt. A scream left me as I became painfully aware of the probably hundreds of bugs crawling on me. I felt the tiny legs all over my skin and another scream left me.
"Shut up for fucks sake!" He stopped walking as I panickingly started banging on the trapdoor, pleading for him to let me out.
Ringing filled my ears as more screams welled up and my vision started going blurry again. The sound of metal went straight through me as I continued to plead. He plunged the knife through the wood, going through the flesh of my hand at the same time. A final scream of pain left me as the world around me started spinning. A small amount of sick left my mouth as I lost consciousness.
"I can't think when you keep on whining like that."

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