Chapter 9

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Marcus ended up sprinting off at the start, Cas would have to speak with him about that. He's being too obvious. Naturally Marcus was the first one back, followed by Percy and Jonah a minute later. Even for a wolf it seems Marcus has strength over speed.

After that practice went pretty smoothly, of course they were all exhausted and some complained about the work, which was expected on the first day. Jonah and Marcus were surprisingly good, Cas figured that they had played before, but he was unsure if Marcus was only doing good because he was using his wolf senses and strength. Marcus needed to get a hold on that before someone noticed something.

Cas was packing away the balls when Percy returned from the locker room.

"Jonah seems like a good kid, if I didn't see him hanging around you, I'd believe he's human. Marcus though is a clear give away." He stated as he shut the garage, taking the keys from Cas' pocket.

Cas chuckled and took the keys back, "Yeah, I know I need to talk to him about that."

"What's with the new wolves here?" Percy questioned, he knows all the wolves in school because how close the team was, he witnessed someone shift after a party. It took a couple days for him to come back to school, but eventually he came back and was willing to listen.

"A pack recently came over, expansion from what I've understood. I was only a matter of time though, apparently, they surround the town. The only reason they didn't move in sooner is because they heard of vampires in these parts." Cas explained.

"Hmph, as long as they don't cause problems. I'll see you later though, I have to talk to one of my teachers."

"Wow barely two weeks into school and you're already getting into trouble." Cas replied sarcastically.

Percy shook his head and chuckled as he turned around and jogged off.

Cas followed him at a walking pace, writing down a few reminders. He still needed to change and probably take a quick rinse.

When he got in the locker room was mostly abandoned besides the remaining two, Levi and Cal. They both had damped hair from the showers and paused their conversation as the door clicked shut.

"You really need to talk to Alpha Xavier about telling the pups that go to school that they need to chill down. They need to realize that there are humans that know of our existence and they're not all like Percy." Levi states while grabbing his bag out of his locker.

"I know. I know. I'll talk to him when I drop Lucas off today." Cas groans.

Levi shouldered his bag and headed off with Cal as the bell. Cas went to the showers and stripped off his clothes. The cool water felt great against his skin as he washed up. Grabbing a towel, he dried off and headed to his locker with the towel around his waist. He changed quickly, shouldering his bag, and heading to class. The last bell rang but he wasn't worried the teachers already knew he'd be a couple minutes when soccer practices started.

Upon entering the class, he saw Lucas' head pop up from his notebook and went to sit beside him as the teacher continued the lecture, gesturing to the slides. He caught up on Notes, glancing at Lucas' to get what he missed.

About halfway through class, Cas felt his phone vibrate and slipped it out of his pocket to see a message from Cal.

'Going on a date with Blake tonight. Make sure you Talk to Xavier.'

Cas shoved it back in his pocket, replying with a simple 'k'. He never really liked Blake that much, he didn't have a good presence and seemed to talk Cal into doing a lot. Cas let out a sigh and returned his attention to the teacher wishing the school day could be over already.

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