Chapter 28

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It was stressful, having so many Alphas in his home, question his pack. Cas couldn't fathom how the A.A. existed in the first place, but at the same time he wanted to meet the Alpha that ruled Alphas.

For the rest of the time Cas kept his eyes on everyone within his home, seeing every movement the A.A. members made toward his packmates. After Julian, Cas only had to step in twice more as the Alphas who thought they were giving a comforting touch were actually terrifying the younger pups. Cas was proud when little Erie latched her teeth into an Alphas wrist, warning her she wasn't to be touched. He had to hide his smirk as he helped pry the pup's jaws open.

Cas was leaned against the porch rail, watching A.A. members leave, when Julian stopped next to him.

"Tomorrow afternoon, 1 o'clock. We'll swing by here."

Cas nodded, his nerves were too great to even admit he was returning to that place. He never mentioned Lucas was coming either but he wouldn't be surprised if Julian already knew.

He spent the night packing, making sure Xavier knew he and Lucas were leaving, and double checking his luggage. Even after showering and laying down next to Lucas -cuddling with him, Caspian couldn't find it in himself to calm down enough to sleep. His father was dead, Julian knew about the female Beta, Julian would be there, Cas himself was stronger, there shouldn't be anything else.

Cas pulled himself from Lucas. He sat up in bed, glancing the slight shine in his bathroom mirror. Midnight blue eyes stared back at him. Slipping from bed he grabbed his hoodie and tugged on his shoes.

The cool wind was calming as Cas wandered toward the mountain. He waited until he'd reached the cave entrance to shift. He waited until he'd reached the cave entrance to shift.

He hadn't visited the crystal caves since that fist day with Lucas. It used to be his go to place whenever he was stressed of annoyed and wanted some time away. Recently there was too much to even find time to curl up in the shinning caves.

Caspian's claws clicked against the stone floor as he made his way through the turning caves, jumping down to a level below. Finding his usual crevice Cas remained in his wolf form as he curled up facing the entrance that wouldn't exist by morning.


Julian never expected to have Caspian Ammon riding passenger in his car, especially when the reason was his father's pack, Cas barely believed it himself. Lucas was with them in the back as well, reading a chapter of their English assignment.

"When we get there, there's a house we'll all stay in," Julian explained, "It's close to the pack house so we can keep our eyes on the wolves but also so we're separate enough to not cause too much distress to the younger or more submissive members."

"Are all of them free to roam?" Cas questioned. His eyes never left the mirror that held his mate.

"They've been left to their own devices unless they tried to fight us. The people you've already mentioned have should also be locked up already."

Cas nodded, "What about the kids, have you separated them from the adults?"

"No. We didn't want to worry about angry mothers but we have been keeping am eye out for any signs."

"Cause you're great at that." Cas chuckled sarcastically as Lucas kicked the back of his seat.

"I'm sorry." Julian apologized, "You're right we don't know the signs as well as we should, we're not good at spotting them and admitting it's a concern. You know, when my alpha heard we found you, he wanted me to ask you to join our pack."


Julian glanced to him before focusing on the road once more, "Experience. Power. I don't know exactly, but you're good at reading people. Your experience would maki it easier to recognize those people that need help. Obviously you're good at that, and you have power; you created your own pack. When you first disappeared my alpha was the one to take your case. We couldn't do anything with your father without proof, and sadly that whole pack seems to be adept at keeping secrets, but he tried to follow your scent trail. He told me he found it interesting because the power mixed with it. The only reason he stopped is because he figured a rouge wouldn't be able to hide that long and he was warned off by vampires. We never really knew what that was about."

"What is your alpha like?" Cas inquired further.

"Interested in joining?" Julian joked.

Cas gave him a slight glare, "No. I was just curious about the Alpha of alphas."

"Guess I never thought about it, growing up there." Julian responded, "It depends on the impression you give him, I guess. He doesn't treat anyone badly, but if you can't control yourself, he has to get control of you. He's nice, wont hurt anyone unless necessary, always checks in afterward. The worst I've seen was a few years ago- he was challenged after a dispute over an omega." Julian's voice softened in thought, "She wandered on to our land and the head warrior thought he had the right to lay claim over her. Turns out her mate was in our pack, another Alpha. It got pretty bad between them until Rhad stepped in. He believes heavily in the goddess so it was a direct challenge to him. We ended up needing a new head warrior, the others were fine though."

"Rhad?" Lucas finally spoke, he was enjoying the stories.

"Uh. Alpha's name."

Cas looked back at his mate, turning in his seat, "You didn't know that?"

Lucas shook his head, "In most packs it's become common to call him alpha or Elder as a they're like our council. I've never really heard his name."

Completed 4-15-21


Published 6-26-21

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