Chapter 30

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Cas slept surprisingly well, or at least he thought so until he opened his eyes. The pillows were shredded, the bedding tossed aside, and Lucas no where to be found. Cas chocked on his breath, terrified he'd done something- it wouldn't be the first time he attacked someone in his sleep.

"You know I could do without the tug of war for my own body." Lucas whined jokingly as he stepped from the bathroom. "I never went to the bathroom last night before you fell asleep on me and then you never let go."

"What?" Cas' voice shook.

"Guess this isn't the best look," Lucas admitted, glancing around the room, "I'm fine, kind of tired, but you never hurt me. Whenever you startled you kept me against your chest and never in harm's way. The worst I got dizzy."

A knock sounded at the door, leaving Cas to forego any more detail. He took a breath before going to the door and stepping in front of Lucas, blocking his way to the door.

Lucas glared slightly as Cas claimed no one was allowed to see him in boxers. The blush in Lucas' cheeks was going to be the brightest part of the next few years.

"The kids are gathered. Four in total." Julian started when Cas opened the door, Lucas having fled to the bathroom. "What the hell happened in here?"

"Don't worry about it. I'm gonna clean up, give mem a few minutes." Cas shut the door before Julian could respond. He snuck into the bathroom behind Lucas. Turning the knobs to the shower he grabbed his toothbrush.

"Have you showered?" Cas asked Lucas, casually brushing his teeth.

"No." Lucas rinsed his mouth of the foaming mint.

Cas said nothing as he finished brushing his own teeth, grabbing Lucas' arm before he could walk away. Cas stripped of his own clothes and waited for Lucas to do the same. They stepped into the shower together.

"I used to be afraid of showers." Cas reminisced, "Not really the water, ... definitely water."

They didn't speak the rest of time, cleaning up as fast as they could. Cas wanted to help the kids as fast as possible. Lucas just wanted to get Cas away from this pack as fast as possible. Lucas didn't know what to say, there was so many questions in his head. This was an issue a lot whenever it came to Caspian.

Cas changed into cuffed track pants and a light green sweater, tossing one of his hoodies over Lucas' head. They left the room together, Finding Julian outside leaning against a wall phone in hand, but the screen was black like it hadn't been turned on.

"Okay, we caught them on their way to school, so their parents don't know yet. We have two hours maybe four before at one of them gets a call." Julian cleared his throat as he led the way downstairs.

After wandering past the living room, he opened a door into what seemed to be a small library. It was probably where the kids worked on their homework. Currently the children Julian mentioned sat at their separate tables, looking anxiously around the room and at each other. Cas took note of the sleeves, one even wearing a turtleneck.

"Lucas stick with Julian please." Cas whispered, "I want the room as empty as possible, there's no way they'd be willing to talk with all three of us." He spoke in a tone low enough the children were unable to hear.

As they left Cas made himself comfortable at another desk, getting down to the same level as them.

"Has anyone told you why you are here?" He questioned softly. The boys looked to each other and shook their heads.

"Do you know the Beta female was taken into custody last night?" There was a mix of relief and panic that spread throughout the room. "I wish to speak to you about your... tutoring sessions with her. Would you like to talk separately or as a group?"

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