Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

Bess quickly turned around to face Nancy. "Do we really need to go?"

"Trust me we will all be just fine," said Nancy

Once on the boat, Chase must drive much slower than usual because the area surrounding the isle was covered in a dense fog. The area is also known to sink and trap many watercrafts with hidden rocks and sandbars. "Do not be worried it is just a trick of the mist. It will take a while to get to the beach, which is the only area we can dock."

"Why is that?" asked Bess.

"Most of the Isle is made up of rocky shores. Because of this, only small rowboats can land on the other parts of the Isle." Chase explained.

"The tide seems high tonight. I wonder if it will hinder us in any way?" commented Nancy.

"Something is not right here," Chase said as they neared the beach landing.

"What is it?" Nancy questioned.

"See that area in the middle on the beach. It looks as if the mist is originating from that one small spot."

"We needed to get a better look," added Nancy.

Just then a strange purple glowing orb appeared in the mists.

"What is that?" Bess asked while she wrapped her arms around Chase.

"Over there on the right, is that rowboats pulled up onshore?" Nancy questioned.

"Yeah, it sure looks like it. Is that a large wooden tub underneath the thickest part of the fog?" Bess spoke up.

"I see someone. Get down low and be quiet," advised Chase. Bess painted out. All then sat low in the boat and kept quiet to go unnoticed. A man was abbreviates caring what looked like a latter cage wrapped UP in sackcloth.

A man came into view, as the fog thinned. He was walking along the sandy shore, carrying in his arms what looked to be a block-shaped item covered in sackcloth. He looked to be in his forties, was thin as a rail, and wore a basic flannel shirt paired with faded blue jeans.

"Keep the mist going, Herald. Feed the hounds, Herald. Buy the food, Herald. All they ever do is boss me around..." mumbled the man. As he neared the wooden tub, he threw the bag down on the ground with force.

"What could it be? Is he trying to break it?" Bess asked.

"Look at the thick gloves he is wearing." Chase pointed out.

As they continued to watch, the man fell to his knees before pulling from the bag that looked like white bricks. He then tossed it into the tub, instantly creating another fog cloud.

"That must be dry ice. A lot of people use that trick to create foggy scenes when filming movies." Nancy explained.

"Why would someone go through so much trouble? Are they trying to hide something?" Bess asked.

"I have no idea what they are up to but think that we need to get a better look at that Isle." Nancy answered.

"Well, It looks like we are out of luck. They only way we can get onto the isle is by that beach. If those people really are hiding something, they will not be happy when we just show up out of the blue. " Chase explained.

"Not necessary, there might be another way onto the isle. In the mermaid's legend, there is a cave that was used to come and go from the isle. I wonder if that cave might actually exist?"

Chase took a moment to process this new information, "You might be right. There is underwater cave near one of the cliffs facing. I just never linked it to the legend before. Good thing I brought along out diving gear just in case."

"We did not bring our swimming suits," Bess whined.

"We will be fine with what we have on just this once." Nancy commented. Soon after all three teens were in the water. Chase led the way; however, it took them quite a while to find the cave entrance in the dark.

Once inside the cave's entrance, Chase handed them each glow sticks. "These are so we can stay together and not get lost." It did not take long for them to find the surface of the water. They were surprised to see the moon high overhead though at the large hole in the ceiling of the cave. "This is a moon pool. I have heard many ancient legends about them." Nancy explained.

"Come on girls, we have to claim the vines to get out," Chase said as he pointed to the greenery.

"Do we have to?" Bess asked not willing to take a chance on falling.

"Do not be such a chicken come on!" Chase egged her.

Bess was about to start claiming when she saw something strange in the moon lite water. A dark shadow swirled around under the surface of the water. Bess caught a quick glance at the creature's tail. It white with an iridescent sheen that reminded her of an opal gemstone.

"A fish? No far too big." Bess commented A chill went up to her spine. She hurried to catch up to the others. They had left their diving stuff in the cave for now. Right now, the teens had more to worry about than stuff.

NANCY DREW AND THE SECRET OF MERMAID COVEWhere stories live. Discover now