Chapter Twenty-Six

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Nancy retraced her steps to find herself back outside the gift shop. She was surprised to find that Bess was visible through the stores' glass windows. Bess was standing at the countertop chatting with the cashier.

A moment later, Bess came out carrying two bags. "Sorry to keep you waiting so long."

"The wait was not too bad. Were you there the whole time?" Nancy asked.

Bess's face wore a look of confusion, "Yeah, it is not like I left for pizza. Why would you ask that?"

Nancy shook her head, "I'm sorry I thought I saw a girl that looked like you earlier. It must have been my imagination running wild."

Bess's focus changed to the sky as she looked up. "It's getting dark. The clouds look like it might rain."

Nancy glanced up at the sky, "You make a good point. Let's go get something to eat."

After walking for a short while they spotted a small coffee shop but before they could make it to the door it started drizzling outside.

"Come on, we have to make a run for it." Bess urged. 

They reached the front door just as the drizzle transformed into a downpour of water.

Once inside, they found to be very trendy and filled with college kids. For sitting there were small cafe style tables near the windows and largely comfy sofas in the middle of the room.

The girls made their way to one of the sofas before collapsing on top of it. Then they put their bags beside them on the floor. On the coffee table in front of them, They found menus to look through. The cafe offered an assortment of many exotic coffees, teas, and sweets.

A moment later, a young waitress appeared at their table, "Hello, my name is Emily. I will be your server today. What can I get for you?"

"The peach lemonade sounds really good. I will take that," said Nancy with a smile.

Bess took a long time to choose. "I want a small mocha with foam and two cholate chip cookies."

"Very well, I will be right back with your order."

"While we are waiting, I might as well head to the bathroom," Nancy said as she stood up.

"Alright, have fun," Bess replied with a wink.

On her way back from the bathroom, Nancy was lost in thought. Thus resulting in her bumping into someone. "I am so sorry. It was all my fault."

"Nancy Drew, what an unexpected surprise," Ryan exclaimed.

Nancy blushed as she looked up at him. She was at a loss for words.

"Is this your first time visiting this cafe?"

"Oh, yes I am here with my friend."

"You are with a friend? I was going to ask you to sit with me and chat, however, I do not want to butt in."

Nancy blinked repeatedly as her thoughts raced. "Please, come sit with me. I mean us!"

"Only if I will not be any trouble."

"You would not be. It is this way." Nancy nervously said as she grabbed his hand to show him to the sofa.

Bess was surprised to see Ryan walk up with Nancy.

"I hope it is alright. I invited him to sit with us." Nancy explained as she took her place on the couch. Ryan sat down beside her.

"Gotten into any trouble lately?" Chase asked.

Bess shot Nancy a sly look, "Not me, however, Nancy is always causing trouble."

In response, Nancy did a spit take. Once recovered, she tried to change the subject of the conversation. "I'm surprised at how popular this place is,"

"Yeah, it has always been a busy place. Well at least, since I first came here with my brother a few years ago. " Ryan explained. 

"Oh wow, you have a brother. Does he live around here?" Nancy asked.

Ryan closed his eyes in thought, "Yes, he does still live in town. We have not talked in quite a while. Ever since our mom died, we have not really seen eye to eye on most things."

Nancy reached out and rested her hand on his shoulder, "I am so sorry."

Ryan wiped a tear that was running down his face, "It is not a big deal anymore. It happened years ago."

"What have you been up to Ryan? Anything new?" Bess asked.

"Oh, nothing new. I have just been working most of the time. " He then looked at his watch then seemed to panic. "Please excuse me. I must have lost track of time and am running a little late for work."

"Good luck at work," Bess said as he got up to run out the front door.

"Well, that was short," commented Nancy. "I hope he gets there safely."

"I have dibs on his brother if he is even half as cute as Ryan!" Bess declared teasingly as she flashed a sky smirk.

Shortly after, the girls found themselves hailing a taxi. A kind-looking man in his mid-sixties pulled over to let the girls into his taxicab. "Where to miss?"

Bess turned to Nancy, "Any ideas of where to visit, or do you want to go back to the inn."

Nancy leaned forward, "Do you offer drive-by tours?"

"Indeed, I do. Any particular place?"

Nancy pondered for a moment, "Yes, I want to see the ocean cove."

Shortly after, they arrived at the cove. "Now that there is an old lighthouse that is not in use anymore. It has been neglected for so many years that all that remains is the brickwork of the building." explained the taxi driver.

As Nancy listened, she opened up the compass to discover it's needle spinning wildly. She murmured under her breath, "What in the world?"

As they drove around to the different areas of the cove the spinning of the compass seemed to slow. The needle came to a halt as it pointed straight ahead. Nancy looked up to find the Isle Of Mist in front of her. A chill went down Nancy's spine at the more sight of the place. "Oh lord, not there."

NANCY DREW AND THE SECRET OF MERMAID COVEWhere stories live. Discover now