Chapter Five- Mamma

Start from the beginning

His mother thought she could change Bryan's father, she managed to settle him down for a few years after they had Bryan. Then he went back to his old tricks after he lost his job, he thought he could get his manhood back by sleeping with a bunch of women rather than looking for another job. After she found out, he begged and pleaded to stay, his face so sad, promising he would never cheat on her again. He too, would avoid her gaze like Bryan did when he did something wrong. He always showed her his boyish grin, which made her melt. She took him back time after time, praying he would change every time, and as soon as she was comfortable and happy, he turned her world upside down once again.

"A woman can only take so much," she told him, " until we don't have the energy to give anymore, no more tears and no more forgiving. It's time for you to leave and maybe one day you will realise the pain you caused me and your son." He got up from the couch and looked at Bryan,

"Don't be like me boy," he told his five-year-old son who was playing with his truck. Bryan looked up at his father and cried until all the colour from his eyes disappeared, and that night his father walked out of their lives forever. His mother always tried to tell Bryan how painful it felt when a man treated a woman that way, and now she just felt all those words fell on deaf ears. His mother watched as he drove off into the arms of a woman that he probably won't want to see again or answer her calls after he gets what he wants. She closed the door and walked to the fridge to eat the leftover sweet potato pie, it was made to soothe a broken heart, so she thought, and within minutes she demolished the last piece and she still felt sad.

Leyah waited in the front living room for Bryan, she wore a short black leather skirt with a long sleeved cream coloured crop top. She wore black high heels and her legs were shiny from the lotion she put on them. "Who is he?" her mother asked. She looked at Leyah,

"And that skirt is way too short."

"Mom please, it's not that short." She said pulling it down.

"And you'll meet him when he gets here, it's not a big deal Mom, seriously." Leyah said as she looked at her phone.

Leyah's mother was a splitting image of her, only twenty years older. Her long brown hair and green eyes were tired from her heart being broken throughout the years.

The lights shone through the front window as Bryan pulled up in his black truck. Leyah waited for him to knock the front door and then invited him in. Her house was immaculate, it was a double story house with four bedrooms, she had two older brothers who both went to NYU and lived at the dorms, so it was just Leyah and her mother at the house. Bryan stood by the door as Leyah's mother shook his hand,

"come in," she said pointing to the couch. He sat down and almost hit the coffee table with his long legs. Bryan was nervous, he had never met any girls' parents before. Leyah went to get him a drink, while her mother interrogated him. Her first question was, "how old are you?" his massive appearance threw people off with his age.

"I'm seventeen, turning eighteen next month."

"Please look after Leyah."

"I will Mrs Davies, I'll take care of her I promise."

Leyah's mother smiled as she saw her beautiful daughter walk down the pathway as Bryan opened the door to the car for her. She always worried about Leyah, she wondered if she was having problems at school. They pulled away in his black truck.

Bryan looked over at her, "you look beautiful Leyah." She looked out the window, he touched her hand as she smiled at him.

"You don't look too bad yourself." She wasn't happy in her heart, earlier on she went on Instagram and saw Adrian update his status saying, "Happy in love." She blocked him, it was like salt on her bleeding heart, it hurt like the pressure from a heart attack. Bryan held her hand, it was hard for Leyah to feel anything for Bryan, he was nice but so was Adrian. She didn't know him, he could be playing her the same way Adrian did, her past with Adrian was holding her hostage.

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