I wear something that's yours

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Be careful, it might get a bit hot in here ;P


Never ever in a million years would you have thought Natsu's house would be this chaotic! Of course you knew it would be a mess but you'd never thought of mountains of dirty dishes in the small kitchen, some of which are just seconds from walking back to the cupboards on their own, nor the amount of memorabilia Natsu collected on various jobs and has scattered all around the house. He himself doesn't seem to think of it too much but honestly, how often is that guy actually at home? Most of the time you spend on jobs or at your place. But you asked Natsu if you couldn't spend a night at his because you've never been there and he agreed. Happy didn't come, he said he wants to do something with the other exceeds.

But you refuse to spend a night in this mess! So you convinced Natsu - and that was quite the task on it's own - to clean his house. After lots of complaining and whining he finally gave in. The threat of never cuddling him again did it's deed - you know your firedragon.

At the moment you're collecting dirty clothes from the floor while Natsu is cleaning the kitchen. You refuse to even enter that room before the sink has been cleaned. Arms stuffed with clothing you walk down to the small stream running behind the house and start cleaning the clothes.

Natsu's place is quite nice. At the outskirts of the forest, no neighbours just nature surrounding you. A gravel path leads up to the house and a small stream runs in a little valley behind his house between the trees. You listen to the birds singing and to the clanking and cursing coming from Natsu inside the house while you wash his clothes. You smile to yourself whilst listening to him.

"Damned pot, what the hell is even in there?! That's worse than a monster made of slime! Stupid washing! Next time I'll make Happy do it!", curses like this can be heard nonstop behind the open window.

"You were supposed to clean not curse", you mumble with a smile as you walk back to the house with his clean clothes a while later to let them hang dry on a line in his garden.

The whole day passes like this and as night falls you're both spend. You take a quick tour to Natsu's bath, he doesn't mind in the slightest. As it's not so warm outside anymore he simply lights a fire at his fireplace and makes a tea for both of you.

Thankful you take the cup from Natsu as he goes into the bathroom. He takes a while and you start wondering where you should actually sleep tonight. Natsu doesn't have a bed, just a hammock hanging from one of the ceiling beams.

"It'll work out", you mumble shrugging. Your eyes scan the now clean room and sop upon a pile of clothing next to the bathroom door, which Natsu has left there. On top lies his sacred scarf, which he got from his father Igneel. You bite your lip and shoot a glance at the door where the steam  from the hot bath can be seen oozing out underneath. The coast is clear.  You put your halfempty cup down and walk over to the pile of clothing on your bare feet. Then you snatch his scarf and walk back into the big central room you'd deem as a mixture of living room and bedroom. You sit down in front of the fireplace and put the scarf around your neck. It's warm and smells like Natsu, like fire, chili and sandalwood. Smiling you pull the scarf up til your nose and stare into the fireplace absendmindly where Natsu has conjured a beautiful fire.

"(Y/N) did you see my scarf...." Natsu's voice, that suddenly called out to you, gets quieter to the end. You turn around and stare at him out of big surprised eyes. He's just a few feet behind you and his onyx eyes stare at the scene before him. There's his mate, wearing a short top and shorts, sitting in front of the fireplace. The mark on her shoulder visible, his beloved scarf right above it.

"Hey Natsu", you smile and try to look like its the most common thing in the world to wear his scarf.

"You look so beautiful with the mark and my scarf", he whispers and his eyes start glowing as you touch the mark with your hand.  Then you stand and turn around. Just seconds later Natsu is right there, kissing you with more passion than he had ever done before. Your breathing is heavy as your lips finally part.

Wizard's love (Fairy Tail Boyfriend Scenarios)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن